Alums Houston, Johnson, and Tsoodle nurture links between community and students

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IAS alums Mary Houston, Gretchen Johnson, and Alice Tsoodle are highlighted for their community leadership in the latest issue of UW Bothell Magazine. Pivotal learning moments catalyzed their careers, and each remains deeply engaged with UW Bothell as co-educators.

Houston (’08, Society, Ethics & Human Behavior; ’10, Policy Studies) credits an internship with Workforce Snohomish, later her employer, as integral to her learning and professional path. A professor challenged Johnson (’11, Global Studies) to connect her personal interest with an organization, which led her to 21 Acres where she’s spent the last seven years. Introduced to Bothell’s North Creek Forest by faculty member Amy Lambert, Tsoodle (’13, Environmental Studies) fell in love with the land and decided to pursue a career in environmental education. These alums continue to share their passions with students, serving as community partners and mentors. Learn about their inspiring work in UW Bothell Magazine.