Rob Turner’s course activity recognized as exemplary by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers

quantifying greenhouse gas emissions

IAS faculty member Rob Turner’s course activity "Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the County Level: A Collaborative Term Project to Enhance Understanding of Climate Modeling and Quantitative Reasoning" has been recognized as exemplary by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers' On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activity program. On the Cutting Edge supports excellence in geoscience education through faculty development workshops, web-based resource services and related activities. Over the past few years, over 3000 teaching activities in the On the Cutting Edge collections have been reviewed. Each activity receives two peer reviews from members of the geoscience education community with final recommendations submitted by an Associate Editor. "Exemplary" status is awarded to fewer than 20% of the teaching activities in the On the Cutting Edge collection. The course activity can be seen here: