Portraits of Refugees by Howard Hsu

portraits of refugees by howard hsu

IAS faculty member Howard Hsu has published a portrait series of refugees in Germany on Mashable. “The Ones Who Found Refuge” provides views of Europe’s migrant crisis through the faces of some of these people.

The work documents the wave refugees arriving in Munich, Germany after fleeing instability and violence in their home countries. Howard photographed a cross-section of migrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Bangladesh while collecting stories of their dangerous journey and hopes for the future.

The portraits were taken near a temporary housing shelter for refugees as well as a holding area at Munich’s Central Station before they were to be bused away to other cities in Germany or other countries in the European Union. The series puts a human face on the migrant crisis as Germany and the European Union struggle with how to deal with a surge of refugees – 4 million so far from Syria alone.