IAS Students Experience Dance, Healing, and Community-Building

dance healing and community building

IAS faculty member Carrie Lanza, Diana Garcia-Snyder, and their students devoted the summer quarter to an exploration of dance as a technology for healing and community building in BISIA 484: Arts Learning in the Community. Students participated in and engaged critically with dance events and practitioners throughout the region, including the creator of Butoh Ritual Mexicano, Diego Piñón and members of DAIPAN Butoh Collective; contact Improvisation teacher, Michal Lahav; grande dame of Seattle belly dance, Delilah Flynn; and Salsa expert, Marisol Berrios-Miranda, PhD. The course concluded with a talk, workshop, and celebratory fandanguito on campus facilitated by Grammy nominated musician, cultural worker, and activist, Joel Cruz Castellanos and members of the Seattle Fandango Project. Special thanks to Terryl Ross and the Office of Diversity which, along with IAS, co-sponsored this special event!