Margaret Redsteer publishes “Sand Dunes, Modern and Ancient, on the Southern Colorado Plateau Tribal Lands, Southwestern USA”

IAS faculty member Margaret Redsteer published “Sand Dunes, Modern and Ancient, on the Southern Colorado Plateau Tribal Lands, Southwestern USA” in Inland Dunes of North America. In her chapter, Redsteer describes how understanding the past, and documenting the current and future potential for sand dune mobility, provides important insights about climate variability and change, particularly in regions prone to drought. Changes to ...

June 1, 2020

Ching-In Chen in @Salon: Queer Sound 2020 Showcase

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s ‘Household Mutations’ was selected for inclusion by curator Samuel Ace for the @Salon Pride: Queer Sound 2020 showcase. In the month of June, sound artists from the showcase will be featured in a Live Zoom series in conversation and performance on Tuesdays, 5p PDT. Ching-In Chen, Ian Hatcher and micha cárdenas will be ...

May 29, 2020

Alumna of the Year: Priya Frank

Priya Frank has been recognized with a 2020 University of Washington Bothell Alumni of the Year Award. A 2011 graduate of the Master of Arts in Cultural Studies program, Frank is the Associate Director for Community Programs at Seattle Art Museum (SAM), where she focuses on partnerships, programming, and equity-related initiatives. Frank is also the founding chair of SAM’s Equity Team and chair of the Seattle Arts Commission.

May 29, 2020

Ernest Kandilige: Serving Metro riders and students

IAS alum Ernest Kandilige (Global Studies ’06) is deputy director of King County Metro’s Mobility Division, which works to provide a reliable, fast and equitable mobility network for people who can’t ride the fixed-route buses for one reason or another. He is also a founding member of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences Advisory Board who believes in giving back.

May 29, 2020

Bridging distance through film

Students in IAS faculty member Minda Martin’s Resilient Visions course are partnering with students from Jinan University in Guangzhou Province of China and Shi Hsin University in Taipei, Taiwan, to curate and produce the 2020 Resilient Visions film festival. Founded by IAS faculty in 2018, this year’s Resilient Visions received 360 photo, audio, VR/AR, and video submissions.

May 28, 2020

Barbara Noah in “Volcano!” exhibit at the Portland Art Museum

IAS faculty member Barbara Noah is included in the "Volcano! Mount St. Helens in Art" exhibit at the Portland Art Museum (PAM), in honor of the 40th anniversary of the eruption. The virtual exhibition can be viewed online, and is featured on the PAM Instagram account. The recording ...

May 21, 2020

Jed Murr receives Fulbright US Scholar award to Slovenia

IAS faculty member Jed Murr has received a Fulbright US Scholar award to Slovenia, where he will work with students, educators, and cultural workers in two major institutions to explore the possibilities and problems that emerge when performing the transnational work of American Studies, Black Studies, and Ethnic Studies in classrooms and arts spaces outside of the US university. ...

May 15, 2020

Stephanie Chavez joins board of Latino/a Bar Association of Washington

IAS Alum Stephanie Chavez (’14) has always been driven by her passion for law and helping underrepresented communities. A natural extension of this commitment is her recent appointment to the board of the Latino/a Bar Association of Washington (LBAW) as Director of Legal Clinics. The purpose of the LBAW to represent the concerns and goals of Latino attorneys and the Latino people of the State of Washington. Chavez has worked for ...

May 14, 2020