News from the School of IAS
Kari Lerum publishes on death rituals in Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy
IAS faculty member Kari Lerum recently published an article in Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy about her class, “Death Rituals” (previously featured as a UW Bothell news story). The article, “Teaching death rituals during states of emergency: Centering death positivity, anti-racism, grief, & ritual,” provides an overview of ...
December 6, 2021
Maisha Manson is the new program manager for UW Bothell Diversity Center!
M.A. in Cultural Studies alum Maisha Manson (they, them, theirs) was recently hired as program manager at UW Bothell’s Student Diversity Center and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through a national search. Maisha will support the Diversity Center and UW Bothell student community through advocacy, care, and ...
December 2, 2021
Two of Ching-In Chen’s poems are published in Kweli
IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s poems “Inside me, another family” and “Inside me, I write/ a swarm of wants” was published in Kweli. Kweli’s mission is to create a community of Black, Indigenous and POC artists and ...
December 1, 2021
Jennifer Atkinson interviewed in Discover Magazine
IAS faculty member Jennifer Atkinson was interviewed in Discover Magazine for a feature piece on mental health impacts of climate change. As she explained, “People who’ve directly experienced a climate-fueled disaster often experience chronic anxiety and depression in the aftermath, or ...
December 1, 2021
Kari Lerum analyzes “The White Lotus” for Ms. Magazine
IAS faculty member Kari Lerum’s essay, “The White Lotus: Lessons on Black Lives Matter, Reparations, and Queer Liberation” was recently published on the digital site for Ms. Magazine. In contrast to previous reviews which cast the popular TV mini-series, “The White Lotus,” as simply
December 1, 2021
Becca Price publishes “An Active Learning Workshop to Teach Active Learning Strategies”
IAS faculty member Becca Price and colleagues, including Dr. Salwa Al-Noori in the UW Bothell School of STEM, published a paper describing a workshop that she and her colleagues give to support postdoctoral scholars in the Science Teaching Experience Program: Working in Science Education to teach them how to ...
November 24, 2021
Kristin Gustafson presents Backward Course Design
IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson focused on Backward Design with two audiences recently. Backward Course Design begins with where you want students to end the class. It is a process that helps you identify how to get there. Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, who wrote Understanding by Design and are credited for developing Backward Design, describe teachers as “designers.”
November 24, 2021
Alice Pedersen presents at the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education and National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conferences
IAS faculty member Alice Pedersen presented at two conferences this fall. In early November, she presented on the intersection of contemplative pedagogies with Zoom teaching at the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education annual conference with ...
November 24, 2021
Amaranth Borsuk featured in Bienal Internacional Poesia Oeiras
IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk was featured this month in the first International Poetry Biennial in Oeiras Portugal, a celebration of poetry under the theme of Power and Democracy. The biennial was held at the Templo da Poesia in the Poets' Park, a public oasis with ...
November 24, 2021
Ted Hiebert and Jin-Kyu Jung: The hunt for happiness
Heads in the Cloud, a Discovery Core class team-taught by IAS faculty members Ted Hiebert and Jin-Kyu Jung, asks the students one, complex question: Is our technological environment simply the new architecture of life, or are there creative ways to think and rethink our possibilities for engagement?
November 23, 2021