News from the School of IAS

Category: Research and Creative Practice

Karam Dana moderates December Husky Highlights Seminar Series

IAS faculty member Karam Dana served as the moderator for the December Husky Highlights Seminar Series, a lecture series designed and planned by the Office of Sponsored Research and is hosted monthly to highlight the innovative research conducted by ...

December 13, 2021

Anida Yoeu Ali exhibits The Red Chador series in 3 countries

IAS faculty member Anida Yoeu Ali concurrently exhibited artworks from The Red Chador series in three different countries. The series continues Ali’s interest in using religious aesthetics to provoke ideas of otherness. Ali is an internationally recognized artist whose works span performance, installation, video, images, public encounters, and political agitation. This past November ...

December 9, 2021

Becca Price: Chronicling SABER’s efforts to become antiracist

A new publication by a team of people led by Miriam Segura-Totten (University of North Georgia) and Samiksha Raut (The University of Alabama at Birmingham) and including IAS faculty member Becca Price, describes how the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) has challenged itself to become antiracist. ...

December 7, 2021

Kari Lerum publishes on death rituals in Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy

IAS faculty member Kari Lerum recently published an article in Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy about her class, “Death Rituals” (previously featured as a UW Bothell news story). The article, “Teaching death rituals during states of emergency: Centering death positivity, anti-racism, grief, & ritual,” provides an overview of ...

December 6, 2021

Jennifer Atkinson interviewed in Discover Magazine

IAS faculty member Jennifer Atkinson was interviewed in Discover Magazine for a feature piece on mental health impacts of climate change. As she explained, “People who’ve directly experienced a climate-fueled disaster often experience chronic anxiety and depression in the aftermath, or ...

December 1, 2021

Kari Lerum analyzes “The White Lotus” for Ms. Magazine

IAS faculty member Kari Lerum’s essay, “The White Lotus: Lessons on Black Lives Matter, Reparations, and Queer Liberation” was recently published on the digital site for Ms. Magazine. In contrast to previous reviews which cast the popular TV mini-series, “The White Lotus,” as simply

December 1, 2021

Kristin Gustafson presents Backward Course Design

IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson focused on Backward Design with two audiences recently. Backward Course Design begins with where you want students to end the class. It is a process that helps you identify how to get there. Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, who wrote Understanding by Design and are credited for developing Backward Design, describe teachers as “designers.”

November 24, 2021