Karam Dana on public opinion in Palestine and Arabs and Muslims in the US

IAS faculty member Karam Dana gave two lectures showcasing some of his research findings this month. The first was titled “Palestinian Public Opinion: The Role of the US, and the Making of Future Policy” and was part of the Diplomacy Roundtable organized by the Seattle Rotary Club. The second ...

September 29, 2021

Bruce Burgett edits a Keywords Now cluster of essays on “Critical/Race/Theory”

IAS faculty member Bruce Burgett co-edited (with Glenn Hendler, Fordham University) a Keywords Now cluster of essays on “Critical/Race/Theory.” Keywords Now is an extension of Burgett and Hendler’s co-edited Keywords for American Cultural Studies, Third Edition. It is designed to explore ongoing shifts in the meanings of key terms that shape research, teaching, and thinking about complex social and cultural issues. The current cluster responds to right-wing attacks ...

September 24, 2021

Phoenix Horn earns Husky 100 recognition connecting policy research and social change

As a current student in UW Bothell’s Master of Arts in Policy Studies program, Phoenix Horn (Law, Economics & Public Policy, 2020) examines systemic racism, gender inequality and transphobia, in the interest of making the world more equitable. His current research project looks into how antiracism is practiced in Western Washington’s K-12 classrooms. Keith Nitta, faculty in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, notes that Horn’s hopes and ambitions are about social and political change, and that this makes him a great match with Policy Studies program values and curriculum. “Phoenix is committed to the public good above all else,” says Nitta.

July 26, 2021

Reducing harm and promoting justice for trans and intersex people

At the 2021 Society for Community Research and Action (APA Division 27) Biennial Conference, IAS students Jessica Belmont, Jordan Havlicek, and Luke Scott joined Reid Ellefson-Frank, another trans undergraduate student-researcher from Michigan State University, Yale post doc and LGBTQIA+ scholar Dani Chiaramonte, and IAS faculty member Lauren Lichty to talk about the experience engaging in participatory action research (PAR) in a session titled ...

July 19, 2021

Films for a feminist future

IAS faculty member Kari Lerum's class, "Girls on Film," introduces students to feminist theory and film. The class screens films that explore the cultural and institutional implications of coming-of-age narratives. To be viewed in class, the films must be directed by a woman, have a female lead and pass the Bechdel test — a measure of the representation of women in fiction.

July 15, 2021

IAS faculty organize and perform at “Still/Hear: A Healing Concert”

On Friday, May 14, 2021 IAS faculty members Anida Yoeu Ali, Masahiro Sugano, and Naomi Macalalad Bragin co-organized alongside students of Global Media Lab a healing concert to demand an end to Anti-Asian violence. The healing concert titled “Still/Hear” was a response to the Asian American community's experiences of ...

July 9, 2021