Dan Berger: “SNCC’s Unruly Internationalism”

Writing in Boston Review, IAS faculty member Dan Berger published an article on the global imagination of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The legendary civil rights organization formed in 1960 and recently had a 60th anniversary conference. Yet while many remember the organization's role in confronting Jim Crow ...

November 17, 2021

Bruce Burgett presents on “Creating Critical Field Formations”

IAS faculty member Bruce Burgett presented as part of a roundtable on “Creating Critical Field Formations: Keywords for African American Studies, American Cultural Studies, and Gender and Sexuality Studies” at the 2021 American Studies Association conference. He was joined by ...

October 13, 2021

Ching-In Chen teaches at LiTFUSE Poetry Workshop

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen taught two workshops at this year’s 15th Annual LiTFUSE Poetry Workshop in Tieton, Washington and has nominated MFA student Madison Nikfard and Master of Arts in Cultural Studies student Sam Prudente to serve as ...

September 27, 2021

Bruce Burgett edits a Keywords Now cluster of essays on “Critical/Race/Theory”

IAS faculty member Bruce Burgett co-edited (with Glenn Hendler, Fordham University) a Keywords Now cluster of essays on “Critical/Race/Theory.” Keywords Now is an extension of Burgett and Hendler’s co-edited Keywords for American Cultural Studies, Third Edition. It is designed to explore ongoing shifts in the meanings of key terms that shape research, teaching, and thinking about complex social and cultural issues. The current cluster responds to right-wing attacks ...

September 24, 2021

Films for a feminist future

IAS faculty member Kari Lerum's class, "Girls on Film," introduces students to feminist theory and film. The class screens films that explore the cultural and institutional implications of coming-of-age narratives. To be viewed in class, the films must be directed by a woman, have a female lead and pass the Bechdel test — a measure of the representation of women in fiction.

July 15, 2021

Amadanyo Oguara publishes Danku of Nembe Kingdom

Amadanyo Oguara has published his third book, Danku of Nembe Kingdom. Oguara is an alum of the M.A. in Cultural Studies program and published his first two books, Fisherman’s Son and Asanda of Agirisaba, in 2020. Danku of Nembe Kingdom narrates a ...

June 30, 2021

Dan Berger discusses prison abolition on Rumble with Michael Moore

IAS faculty member Dan Berger discussed prison abolition on Rumble with Michael Moore. The Oscar-winning filmmaker interviewed Berger about the problem of prison and whether a “Department of Restorative Justice & Redemption” should replace our existing Prison Industrial Complex. Earlier this month, Berger ...

June 22, 2021