Double Feature Screening Showcases Filmmaking Talent in IAS

This spring, the School of IAS hosted a film screening in collaboration with students and alumni from our arts and media majors. The two short films, Glitter Tears and Rust and Resonance, were created by IAS alum Melissa Lopez (‘23) and current student Nour Currie. Supported by family, friends, and fellow students, the night served as both a showcase and a moment for community building. 

An Animated Journey 

The night began with a screening of Rest and Resonance, an animated story written, directed, and animated by Nour. Started as a passion project in the summer of 2023, this was the first time the film was shown to an audience. Nour shared that the animation style was inspired by South Park, an aesthetic that some audience members recognized immediately. 

Set in China, the dystopian film followed the experience of two kind-spirited robots who were taunted and attacked by a menacing robot giant. Over the course of two days, we see the robots fight and successfully ward off the evil giant robot for some time, before eventually succumbing to brainwashing that forces them to join the dark side. The film was filled with emotional ups and downs, closing on a cliffhanger that left the audience wanting more. Rest and Resonance successfully takes viewers on an engaging journey, without uttering a single word. 

Transforming Confidence 

The feature film of the evening was Glitter Tears. This touching and hilarious story follows a woman named Ari, who was living a dull life as a roadkill disposal specialist. Ari’s life is turned upside down one day when she meets a fascinating raccoon named Henry and a snarky magician. The magician takes Ari through a series of trials that force her to grapple with various stages of her life. Through interactions with former bullies, her therapist, and her ex, Ari confronts some of her most difficult truths. With her new raccoon companion by her side, Ari embarks on a journey to learn more about herself and the ways she has held herself back through the years. We see Ari transform throughout the film, developing the confidence to pursue the life she desires. 

When hearing from Melissa after the showing, it was surprising to learn that Melissa hadn’t always seen herself as an artist. The talented filmmaker credits her time in college as transformative for her creative identity. It was Melissa’s own journey to build confidence that inspired the plot for the film. The IAS community is excited to continue supporting Melissa and she moves through her professional and artistic development. 

Glitter Tears was originally created as a part of the BISMCS 472: Competitive Filmmaking class, taught by Senior Artist-In-Residence Masahiro Sugano. In the future, Melissa plans to take the film to the next level, by entering it into various film festivals this year.  

Melissa Lopez is a graduate of the Media & Communication Studies major in the School of IAS. You can follow her journey on Instagram: @melisser_ballin, and stay up to date on updates related to Glitter Tears by following @glittertearsfilm. Nour Currie is a current student in IAS, who is also studying Media & Communication Studies. You can connect with Nour via Instagram: @nourcurrie, or on his website: