Julie Shayne presents two Pressbooks projects during Open Education (OE) Week

open education week

IAS faculty member Julie Shayne was an invited speaker, along with other UW instructors, on an Open Education Week panel called “Student Authored: UW Open Pedagogy & Publishing.” She discussed her two UW Pressbooks: Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest and Persistence is Resistance: Celebrating 50 years of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies.

Badass Womxn was produced by students in Shayne’s “Rad Womxn in the Global South” (BIS 227) class (spring 2019) and Persistence is Resistance is an edited collection that includes student artists and authors from around the country, including UW Bothell.

Panelists, including Shayne, spoke about their work developing exciting digital publishing projects with student authors and artists, how their projects were structured within and outside the classroom, their publishing platforms, challenges and successes.

You can view Shayne’s presentation below, starting at the 18:07 mark.