Min Tang publishes on U.S.-China Relations and the Geopolitics of Information

us china relations

IAS faculty member Min Tang recently published an article on the highly topical issue of U.S.-China relations and the geopolitics of information in International Journal of Communication, a top scholarly journal ranking 4th among all Humanities, Literature & Arts journals, and 7th among Communication journals by the latest Google Scholar statistics.

The article, “Not Yet the End of Transnational Digital Capitalism: A Communication Perspective of the U.S.–China Decoupling Rhetoric," reveals the complexity of the much discussed U.S.–China decoupling rhetoric by examining the interlinks of information and communication technology (ICT) industries between the United States and China. The ICT sector, Tang argues, is not only a centerpiece to the two countries’ integration historically, but is also critical to the contemporary global political economy, where the two countries are the most significant players. While the U.S.-China decoupling motif may be challenged by the interdependent and symbiotic value chain between these two countries throughout hardware production, software provision, and capital investments, it also shows the increasing ambiguity and volatility of the changing global geopolitics of information.