Anida Yoeu Ali exhibits at MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum in Chiang Mai

IAS faculty member Anida Yoeu Ali exhibited prints from The Buddhist Bug series at MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum in Chiang Mai, Thailand from Nov 14, 2020 – March 30, 2021. The photographs were part of a final touring exhibition titled “A Beast, A God and A Line” originally curated by Hong Kong based curator Cosmin Costinas.

In his curatorial statement, Cosmin states, “The artists in the exhibition investigate traces of colonial domination, as well as the different ramifications of that hegemony today, when cultural and environmental genocides continue to unravel landscapes, communities, and worlds, particularly among the most marginalized indigenous groups. Many of the artists in A Beast, a God, and a Line are among the most powerful voices who are today reinventing the significance of matter, objects, and forms, their genealogies and deep significance.”

Since 2018, the touring show has exhibited in multiple countries: Para Site (Hong Kong), Dhaka Art Summit (Bangladesh), Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (Poland), Kunsthall Trondheim (Norway) and MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum (Thailand).