Katrina Harack nominated for UW Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology

katrina harack

IAS faculty member Katrina Harack was honored as a nominee for a 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology by the University of Washington. This award "recognizes a current faculty member for improving student learning or engagement through an approach that leverages technology." She has enjoyed learning more about online pedagogy while converting her writing courses at UW Bothell to an online format, and looks forward to continuing to engage students through digital technology. Her courses themselves address issues of technology and well-being, and she is currently teaching a section of BWRIT 134 (Composition) entitled "Technology, Media, and Well Being in America."

Other IAS faculty nominees for the 2021 award include: Anida Yoeu Ali, Shannon Cram, Jed Murr, and Samuel Yum.