Kristin Gustafson organizes teaching-related panels on media and journalism

education in journalism and communication

IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson co-organized two teaching-related panels at The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2020 conference. On the first panel, called “Transformative teaching of media and journalism history,” five scholars shared teaching modules that won this year’s AEJMC History Division’s teaching-idea contest. This was the contest’s second year. Gustafson and the division launched the contest for the 2019 conference to draw attention to pedagogies of diversity, collaboration, community, and justice. Gustafson co-organized and co-moderated the panel with Lori Amber Roessner (University of Tennessee) in 2020.

The second teaching panel, called “Connecting today’s students with Jim Crow-era media history,” was co-organized with Susan Keith (Rutgers University), and co-sponsored with the History Division and the Minorities and Communication Division. Gustafson shared her presentation, “Jim Crow-era media history within an Asian American media history seminar.”