D.C. Human Rights Seminar scholarship continues to change lives

student in from of US Capitol building

Since 1991, the Washington D.C. Human Rights Seminar has provided students with the opportunity to be a part of conversations around national and global policies. After two full-day workshops, they spend six days in Washington D.C. attending seminars and briefings with institutions and policy makers across the political spectrum.

The most recent cohort travelled in September 2019, and 12 students received financial support through the Washington D.C. Travel Assistance Fund. This fund was founded in 2015 through the efforts of seminar alumni, and thanks to the ongoing generosity of donors, students who otherwise would not participate have experienced this life-changing program.

Community Psychology major and first-generation student Camille Morris was a recipient of the 2019 scholarship. Her non-traditional journey has kept her working hard to best utilize the resources available to her as a student. The educational merit of the D.C. Seminar proved to be invaluable for Morris, helping her find a voice amidst local politics, and inspiring her post-graduate career goals.

“I am looking at working in the field of anti-racism education, including trauma work. Being a part of the Washington D.C. Human Rights Seminar opened my eyes to see the world in an exponentially larger way. It was life changing and life giving! One of the most impactful moments was being able to ask our state’s representative a question during a televised discussion around China. In addition to having that incredible moment for myself, standing up in front of the camera’s, my fellow classmates, journalists, and others, it created an opportunity for me to connect with the congressman afterwards. This has paved the way for my involvement with his office, and by extension my community, where I am now an active civic member.”

Double-major Emily Gilroy also received last year’s scholarship. Her fields of study include Law, Economics, & Public Policy, Society, Ethics, & Human Behavior, and Human Rights as a minor. Her passion for public policy centers around labor and environmental law. Gilroy was excited to have conversations with policy makers where she could discover new ways to advocate for both important subjects.

“I believe that both of these issues are fundamental human rights issues. I have seen firsthand what sort of disadvantages that inequity creates, but at the same time I recognize the privileges that were afforded to me by my upbringing in an affluent, economically successful and well-educated region of a developed nation. My ultimate career goal is to use the skills I have acquired in the workforce as well as the knowledge and experiences I have accumulated from my time in college to do genuine good in the world. This is work I thoroughly enjoy and can see myself doing in the future, which is why I have decided to pursue a concurrent Masters of Public Administration and Masters of Arts in International Studies at both the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance and the Jackson School of International Studies at UW Seattle beginning next fall.”