Natalie Singer reflects on 75th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation

a jew in the wilderness

An essay by MFA alum Natalie Singer (’16) was published in Crosscut on the 75 anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. In her article, “75 years after Auschwitz, a Seattle Jew wonders: Are we traveling backward?,” Singer reflects on the rise of anti-Semitism in America and her experiences as a Jewish woman in Canada and the U.S.

Writes Singer: “Biblical Jews wandered the desert for 40 years. I turned 40 the year Trump took office. In the Trumpian wilderness I have been reminded that my children and many others — Jews, immigrants, people of color, trans youth, so many others — are not safe on our home ground. That our home, our country, is a mirror — a fun-house mirror. Anti-Jewish violence and hate rhetoric are on the rise."