IAS students engage in multi-media production

Students in Kristin Gustafson’s Multi-media Storytelling in Student Media class produced three live UWave radio shows focused on climate change, international student experience, and tuition. These two-way radio productions involved the BISMCS472 students talking with one another on air about their journalism reporting for the Husky Herald. In addition to the radio shows, the news story about climate change appeared in the December/January Husky Herald issue distributed this week. The other two news stories will appear in February’s edition.

Gustafson and Amoshaun Toft created this advanced media production workshop in autumn 2018 to facilitate multi-media connections between students and their student-led media. Toft teaches the course in spring. Students in the class work closely with the student newspaper (Husky Herald) and online radio station (UWave Radio). The course uses a blend of face-to-face, online, and practice-based learning related to student media publication. In addition to the hands-on, community-media production activities as acting members of both student media organizations, students engage with complementary learning activities designed to support multi-media storytelling conceptually, ethically, and practically. Students completed the class having practiced and explored storytelling ethics, news agendas, story selection, sources, interviewing, editing strategies, genre, and production tools for print and sound.

Our community partners—Husky Herald and UWave Radio—worked directly with students at key points during the quarter both in class and out of class. The student media leaders for these organizations are Husky Herald’s Ashley Creech, editor in chief, and Sanjevni Prasad, assistant editor, as well as UWave Radio’s Brannan Widdis, station manager, and Mo Abdullahi, station engineer.