Cat Vallejo interns as Seattle Art Museum Emerging Arts Leader

cat vallejo

Catherine “Cat” Vallejo is a senior at UW Bothell majoring in Community Psychology with a minor in Education & Society. She aspires to be an educator at the high school or college level and has fully immersed herself in campus opportunities, serving as an orientation leader and an assistant advisor in Career Services.

This summer Vallejo joined the staff of Seattle Art Museum (SAM) as an Emerging Arts Leader intern, a paid internship aimed at candidates who are underrepresented in the museum field. This interdisciplinary program allows interns to interact with diverse aspects of museum work and contribute their unique insights and perspectives. Vallejo’s supervisor was fellow alum, Priya Frank (’11), who serves as SAM’s Associate Director for Community Programs and Founding Chair of SAM’s Equity Team.

Cat Villejo at the SAM

In addition to assisting with free art programming, Vallejo conducted historical research on three of SAM’s current exhibitions and led a “My Favorite Things” tour. Through the art pieces she selected, Vallejo connected her personal and professional growth throughout her childhood in California and her new adult life as a college student at UW Bothell. The art reminded her of what happiness is, but more importantly, what is means to know and feel what home is to her. Vallejo says the internship is an unforgettable opportunity that she’ll take wherever she goes. Keep an eye on SAM’s blog for Vallejo’s upcoming post on her Emerging Arts Leader internship experience.