Masahiro Sugano and Anida Yoeu Ali Awarded 2019 Course Development Grant from The Center for Global Studies

global media lab

IAS faculty members Anida Yoeu Ali and Masahiro Sugano have been awarded the 2019 Course Development Grant for their team taught course Global Media Lab (MCS 472A&B: Advanced Media Production). The grant administered by the Center for Global Studies at the University of Washington’s Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies is an extremely competitive grant that recognizes innovative teaching at the UW.

Global Media Lab, co-taught by Sugano and Ali is offered once a year in the spring quarter as an intensive 10 credit class in the art of independent filmmaking. Global Media Lab offers students a focused learning environment, hands-on film production techniques, discussions on conceptual frameworks, the experience of collaboration and the opportunity to make a fully-realized media-based project. Students implement film production projects in small teams within a pedagogy based in critical engagement, creativity and collaboration. Students meet real-world production challenges by working directly with professional visiting artists. The course development grant will allow Sugano and Ali to continue leveraging their networks to bring artists to campus for brief residencies and afford materials and supplies for the creation of high-quality artistically directed video productions.

Behind the scenes


IAS students created a short video documenting their experience of completing the intensive filmmaking course Global Media Lab co-taught by Professor Ali and Sugano Sensei. The video is intended to be a message from the 2019 Spring class to the incoming 2020 Global Media lab cohort.


Students from Global Media Lab 2019 work on productions with visiting artists Dakota Camacho, Gregg Deal, and Kaoru Okumura.

Students from Global Media Lab 2019 work on productions with visiting artists Dakota Camacho, Gregg Deal and Kaoru Okumura.