Natalie Singer named to 35 over 35 list of debut authors

natalie singer in 35 over 35

MFA alum Natalie Singer (’16) is thrilled to be recognized among 35 authors over age 35 who published their first book this year. 35 over 35 is an alternative to the publishing industry’s fixation on youth, acknowledging that few authors find early success. Singer’s memoir California Calling: A Self-Interrogation was published last March by Hawthorne Books.

Says Singer, “This writing and publishing business is no easy thing. It takes years to learn your craft, and the barriers are endless. Many writers work and work at it, and still it doesn’t happen. Don’t give up. The longer you work, the better you get. Keep going!”

Singer will read from California Calling, along with local author Sarah Cannon, at Phinney Books on December 11. She is also teaching two courses in Winter 2019: Taming the Beast: the Work-Writing Balance at Hugo House; and Writing & Publishing the Personal Essay with UW Professional & Continuing Education.

Photo by Jerry Jaz.