Nicole McCarthy selected as 2018 GAP Award recipient by Artist Trust

nicole mccarthy gap award

IAS Alum Nicole McCarthy has received GAP Award funding from Artist Trust to begin her second hybrid book focusing on marriage, divorce, and shame. She will spend a week on a writing retreat to generate new material and the project will culminate with a public divorce performance in spring 2019.

An MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics alum (’17), McCarthy is the Development Coordinator at Hugo House and was previously the Managing Editor of The James Franco Review. She occasionally teaches for the Write253 program, offering classes in experimental creative writing to youth in Tacoma. McCarthy’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Glass: a Journal of Poetry, The Shallow Ends, Ghost Proposal, Memoir Mixtapes, Civil Coping Mechanism's A Shadow Map anthology, The Offing, Redivider, FIVE:2:ONE Magazine, and the 2018 Best American Experimental Writing anthology. Her work has also been performed and encountered as projection installation pieces throughout Tacoma and Seattle.

“The support I've received from the Seattle literary community has been tremendous,” says McCarthy. “Although I'll spend this fall and winter hiding, healing, and writing, I'm looking forward to the eventual emergence in spring with new material. I'm eager to see all the forms this project will inevitably take and how I can share that experience with others.”