Kristin Gustafson publishes two new columns in Clio: Among The Media

clio among the media

IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson published two new columns in Clio: Among The Media. The most recent column, “Using History to Draw Student Attention to the ‘Difficult and Dangerous’ Work of Journalism, Over Time, Around World,” describes her classroom lesson on Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s resistance against attacks meant to shut down her journalistic voice and her resiliency to find new pathways to campaign against lynching. Gustafson identifies histories like that of Wells-Barnett and historical understanding as valuable teaching tools. They can frame moments such as with the recent news of five U.S. journalists killed on the job at their Capital Gazette newspaper and they can help students recognize the role the press plays within a longer and broader arc. Her spring column shares with readers the teaching featured in three History Division panels, two that she organized, for the upcoming Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention in Washington, D.C. Gustafson's quarterly columns surface best practices that encourage pedagogies of diversity, collaboration, community, and justice. They are one part of her service as Teaching Standards Chair for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication's History Division. The Clio newsletter can be found on the History Division's website.