Students in “Mapping Communities” course present work at Redmond City Hall

mapping communities

Students in IAS faculty member Jin-Kyu Jung’s “Mapping Communities” course conducted various community mapping projects and presented their works in the Council Chambers room at the Redmond City Hall on June 1. “Mapping Communities” is a community-based learning and research (CBLR) course that explores new possibilities of dramatic advancement of popularized digital data and mapping technologies, such as Google My Maps, Geographic Webs, StoryMaps, and Collector App. It provides a unique opportunity for students to examine and critique the internal workings of “community” and “mapping,” and also offers a structurally engaged learning and research opportunity for students. This quarter’s community mapping projects focused on themes of “Accessibility to Food Resources,” “Mapping Park Safety,” “Dog-Friendly Redmond,” “The Public Parking in Redmond Downtown,” “Wheels on the Bus,” and “Redmond Eats.” Students combined various research methods such as survey, interview, visual assessment, and internet research, and created dynamic and interactive digital maps.

Here are some examples of students’ maps and presentations: