Masahiro Sugano screens his films at Afrika Eye Festival

masahiro sugano at afrika eye festival

IAS faculty member Masahiro Sugano screened his film at Afrika Eye Festival held in Bristol, UK, a site recently named a UNESCO City of Film. The short films “Dreams” and “Neon Poem” directed by Masahiro Sugano featured the poetry and performance of Tjawangwa (TJ) Dema, from Botswana, who recently won the 2018 Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets for her collection, The Careless Seamstress. The videos were filmed in Cambodia during Ms. Dema’s residency made possible by Sylt Foundation. The films are a project of Studio Revolt, an award winning collaborative media lab run by IAS faculty Masahiro Sugano and Anida Yoeu Ali.