Kyra Laughlin to partner with Advocates for Youth and Trojan in #AskForIt campaign

IAS alumn and Sexual Assault & Violence Education (S.A.V.E.) president Kyra Laughlin was selected as one of a hundred student activists to partner with Advocates for Youth and Trojan in their #AskForIt campaign. The campaign seeks to normalize conversation about consent on college campuses and promote safe sex. As part of her work, Laughlin developed a survey for students, faculty, and staff to show support for S.A.V.E. maintaining their partnership with Trojan so that students can continue to have access to free condoms on campus. The survey, which is anonymous, will be shared with folks from Trojan by May 11. If deemed successful, Trojan may provide resources in the future.

As part of the campaign, Trojan provides free condoms for student activists to distribute during their events. Laughlin has created consent displays (see photo above) that include free condoms for passerby to take as well as information on how to turn condoms into dental dams. These displays can be found in all Diversity Center meeting rooms, Common Grounds (UW2) and the first floor hallway of UW1. Additionally, Laughlin has made free condoms and consent information available in the Husky Pantry located within the Diversity Center, the IDEA Project (UW1) and the ARC Community Resources Center (ARC 120). S.A.V.E will also be partnering with Campus Housing leadership to make free condoms available in the residence halls.

In less than 24 hours after the program launched, nearly all of the condoms had been taken and Laughlin continually has to restock the displays to keep up with the demand – clearly this is a resource students need.

Here is what some anonymous survey participants had to say:

“It’s important that students feel supported and safe on campus. Having a company that supports sexual health and awareness partner with an organization that supports safe consensual sex and sexual violence survivors sends the appropriate message that the campus supports safe and healthy sex. This campus should support safe, healthy, consensual sex.”

“I would like all communities feel as though they are being represented sexually. All cultures need to know that their sexual health is important no matter what their situations are financially or culturally.”

“I hope to see a normalization of sexuality on campus in an inclusive and safe way for everyone. Decrease intolerance and ignorance and educate the public on safe sex.”

“Not everyone has money to buy condoms and sometimes people can’t go and buy them because they don’t want anyone to find out especially their family.”

“It is imperative that the campus support students, and protecting their bodies is part of that support. Condoms prevent unwanted pregnancy as well as the spread of STD’s. The campus should support students in their effort to remain healthy and safe.”