Evan Westenberger finds career success in digital media

career success in digital media

Evan Westenberger (’09) was born and raised in Seattle and once made his living as a teenage magician, delivered balloons, and scooped ice cream. Westenberger has come a long way over the past decade, and his creative, entrepreneurial drive has only shifted in form. Currently, he runs the global social and digital engagement program for Microsoft Enterprise Services, a group that makes up about one fifth of Microsoft.

Westenberger works with leaders across Microsoft, enabling them to use social media to build long term customer relationships. Before this role, he ran a small business and managed content and digital strategy for a city, university, and one of the largest health organizations in the United States.

Westenberger is also extremely passionate about emerging and future technologies. He’s a virtual reality thought leader with experience speaking about VR, AR, and Mixed Reality. He has developed an award winning Microsoft HoloLens app for disaster relief, and has developed a new platform for Microsoft sellers to build long term customer relationships through social selling.

Westenberger credits his studies in Society, Ethics & Human Behavior for giving him a unique approach to digital marketing helping him through the Masters of Communication in Digital Media program at University of Washington. “My undergraduate degree provided a foundation that’s different from most others in the tech industry. Ethics is always at the forefront of what I do, which is imperative when we build tools that will shape our future for years to come”.