Aisha Qadri presents research on child labor at Scholar’s Studio

aisha qadri

Aisha Qadri (’15) presented her research on oppressive child labor at Scholar’s Studio, a series of lightening talks by UW graduate students and post-docs. In the 1930’s President Roosevelt sought to protect adults and children against unfair labor practices by creating the Fair Labor and Standards Act. Qadri’s research examines a particular exemption that makes it possible for parents to work their own child without many basic restrictions. Because of this, many children in the United States endure oppressive conditions.

Qadri is currently a graduate student at the UW School of Social Work pursuing a master’s degree in Multigenerational Practice with Family, Youth, and Children. Choosing to study this concentration, and to become a member of the Child Welfare and Advanced Training Program, came from a commitment to serving vulnerable populations.

Starting UW Bothell in 2006, Qadri spent nine years achieving her hard-earned degree, double-majoring in Global Studies and Society, Ethics & Human Behavior. Qadri hopes that her unconventional journey will inspire others to strive for greater educational attainment, and that her experience will provide more visibility to the struggle many first-generation college students face. To every undergraduate student who is struggling to integrate school and life, she says, “You got this!”