Daniel Lee’s persistence paves career in UX research

daniel lee ux research
IAS alum Daniel Lee (’17) began his career in computer systems while in the United States Air Force, and at one time, he managed over 500 network servers across his base. After serving, Lee spent nine years managing a usability lab at Microsoft, which cemented his passion for user research and design.

It soon became clear that he would need a bachelor’s degree to progress in this sector, but career advancement wasn’t his only motivator. Lee’s father had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and his last wish was that Lee complete his education. Determined and tenacious, Lee enrolled at UW Bothell while caring for his father and managing a nightshift position. Lee chose the Community Psychology major for his lifelong interest in cognitive studies and its focus on human behavior, which linked well to user research and design.

In his final quarter, he was hired as a User Experience (UX) Researcher at Microsoft, and Lee is now a UX Researcher with Expedia, where he works with a mobile app team testing new prototypes. Lee is passionate about his work and continually seeks new opportunities. He hopes to earn a master’s degree in human centered design and engineering and be a leader in his field. “Pursuit of knowledge and leaving footprints in this world are two of my life long goals. I aspire above all to help others reach their full potential through understanding and mentorship.”

Lee recently participated in a panel discussion on tech careers, hosted by UW Bothell Career Services. He urged students: “Be persistent, and put yourself out there.” He also encouraged them to create a polished online presence, which he models well through his professional portfolio.