Adam Romero co-edits newly published Genealogies of Environmentalism: The Lost Works of Clarence Glacken

genealogies of environmentalism

IAS faculty member Adam Romero, in collaboration with S. Ravi Rajan and Michael Watts, is co-editor of Genealogies of Environmentalism: The Lost Works of Clarence Glacken, recently released by The University of Virginia Press. In 1967, Clarence Glacken published Traces on the Rhodian Shore, considered one of the most important books on environmental issues published in the twentieth century. This volume collects previously unpublished works written by Glacken following the publication of Traces.

From the publisher’s website:

“Each essay offers a brief intellectual biography of an important environmental thinker and addresses questions such as how many people the Earth can hold, what resources can sustain such populations, and where land for growth is located. This collection—carefully edited and annotated, and organized chronologically—will prove both a classic text and a springboard for further discussions on the history of environmental thought.”