IAS represents at student media and publications celebration

student media and publications

On June 2, UW Bothell hosted the first annual Student Media Recognition Event, honoring Clamor, The Husky Herald, and UWave Radio. These student-driven media initiatives document campus life and culture, providing students with professional experience while enriching the UW Bothell community.

Faculty, staff, students, and alumni gathered to celebrate student contributions and the vitality of these media channels. Past campus leaders and Media & Communication Studies alumni Gracelynn Shibayama (’15), Brianna Ishihara (‘16), and Christian Arciniega (’15 – also Global Studies) returned to share their experiences and encourage students to keep student media alive (Shibayama, Ishihara, and Archiniega pictured right).

Current student leaders of each group reflected on their time as a part of student media, many of which shared similar experiences to alumni:

  • Nathan Thomas, graduating senior and current Editor-in-Chief of the Husky Herald, reflected on the beginning of his career working for the news publication, when he first shadowed Brianna Ishihara, whom he introduced.
  • Graduating senior and editorial board member, Anndee Hilton spoke about Clamor’s successes, including printing a record number of copies this year, 500 of which were handed out at its Launch Party on May 30, which featured readings and performances by contributors alongside faculty in Culture, Literature & the Arts and Interdisciplinary Arts.
  • Gracelynn Shibayama, who currently works in development at Seattle’s KNKX (88.5) public radio station, shared how her experience in student media landed her the job of her dreams.
  • Namoka Trice, Station Manager at UWave Radio, voiced her frustration with the loss of the station’s LPFM opportunity this past April, but shared her pride in the striking similarities between herself and alum Christian Arciniega, who is also a mother and entrepreneur. Arciniega revived the Husky Herald in 2014 after it stopped printing. Trice hopes to do the same in redefining UWave Radio after its loss.
  • Christian Arciniega left current media participants with encouraging and motivating words, “It may not feel like it, but what you do matters.” She shared that through Clamor, the Husky Herald, and UWave Radio, students create the documents that tell the stories of the university. These documents will be archived and live on forever. The product of student media is the history of UW Bothell, and that deserves more than recognition.

The event was organized by IAS alum and Student Media Program Coordinator Amani Carithers (’16, Law, Economics & Public Policy and Media & Communication Studies), who commented, “Student media participants are well overdue a targeted and specific form of recognition after overcoming many obstacles over the years, such as the suspension of the Husky Herald in 2013 and the loss of UWave Radio’s rare LPFM opportunity. I’m proud to have had the opportunity to bring these three communities together to celebrate their achievements amidst the hurdles they’ve been forced to overcome.”

Clamor is UW Bothell’s professional-grade Literary & Arts Journal. Free copies are distributed at events throughout the academic year, and can be found at the UW Bothell Bookstore, IAS office, Diversity Center, and Library. Clamor supports and promotes captivating, inspiring, and lively art in the forms of visual, literary and media work through annual print and digital editions. Clamor’s work fosters community by reaching beyond the UW Bothell campus borders for creative works and by offering audiences quality reading, viewing and listening experiences. Clamor provides students the opportunity to learn about publishing, gaining hands-on skills in soliciting, assessing, and editing submissions, layout design, and production. It emphasizes communication, collaboration, project management and teamwork. Clamor is supported by the Services and Activities Fee Committee, Student Engagement, and Club Council. Advisor: Amaranth Borsuk, IAS faculty member

The Husky Herald is the student-run news publication of UW Bothell. It seeks to inform and educate the growing and diverse UW Bothell community through student-centered and innovative journalism. The Husky Herald provides students with writing and publication opportunities through the print newspaper edition and website. Its work fosters community by reaching beyond the UW Bothell campus borders for compelling stories and by offering audiences quality reading experiences. Students gain skills in communication, assessing and editing literary texts, layout design, technology for creating and distributing multimedia work, project management and teamwork. Advisor: Kristin Gustafson, IAS faculty member

UWAVE Radio is the campus-based community station that serves as a center for community engagement, a hub for underrepresented voices, an environment for professional development, and a catalyst for social justice. UWave Radio is a community media resource at the UW Bothell. Created by and for students, the station is a platform for diverse musical tastes and intellectual passions that answer and tend to the interests of the student body and the community. Advisor: Amoshaun Toft, IAS faculty member

Left to right: Amoshaun Toft, Kristin Gustafson, Amaranth Borsuk, and Amani Carithers

Toft, Gustafson, Borsuk, Carithers