Amaranth Borsuk speaks and reads in Montreal

amaranth borsuk in montreal

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk traveled to Montreal last week to attend the symposium Expanded Poetics: Romantic, Modernist, Contemporary. Hosted by the Centre for Expanded Poetics at Concordia University, an experimental research laboratory focused on materialist media studies and collaborative interdisciplinary research, the event brought together philosophers, literary scholars, and poets working in new media to discuss interdisciplinary poetics from Jena Romanticism to the present. Borsuk spoke about her work in the context of "Material Intermedial Poetics," tracing touch, gesture, interactivity and authorship through several recent projects. As part of the event, she also performed her work at Montreal's Drawn and Quarterly bookshop with Brian Kim Stefans, Andrew Dickinson, and Ada Smailbegovic.