Kristie Johnson discusses career with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

kristie johnson king county prosecuting attorney

Kristie Johnson (’07, Society, Ethics & Human Behavior) visited campus to share her career journey in the public sector. Kristie is the current Public Records Officer and a Legal Services Supervisor for the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (KCPAO). Having worked for the KCPAO since 1997, Kristie has held many positions which include: Office Manager and Staff Supervisor of the Juvenile Division (2013-2015), Public Records Officer (2008-2013), and Criminal Division Paralegal (2003-2008). Kristie has used her IAS education to help her excel specifically in public speaking, an area that has never been comfortable for her. Kristie is passionate about helping others and finds that her work with the KCPAO allows her the opportunity to work with, and help, a diverse group of individuals.

Kristie shared her experiences at KCPAO, a place where she has thrived professionally. From civil to criminal matters, she is responsible for locating and disseminating public records that can make a difference in people’s lives. Currently, Kristie supervises nine staff members and two interns and enjoys supporting their career development. As a supervisor, she has participated in many hiring processes and provided this advice:

  • When interviewing, discuss the organization’s mission and how you identify with it. Interviewers want to hear your alignment with and enthusiasm for their work.
  • Customer service experience is an asset in public service, so don’t undersell it! It shows that you have people skills and can manage conflict.
  • Be a stickler for grammar and spelling in your resumes and cover letters. One mistake can cost you an interview.
  • Prioritize an entry-level job over an internship. It will provide you access and job security.
  • If you don’t have office skills, volunteer to gain this competency.