Alice Tsoodle shares her career in environmental education

alice tsoodle environmental education

Alice Tsoodle ('13) holds a Bachelor's in Environmental Studies from UW Bothell, a Master’s in Education from UW Seattle, and UW-REN Restoration Ecology Certificate. Alice’s indelible connection to Bothell’s North Creek Forest began through a course with IAS faculty member Amy Lambert, but her love for the environment began long before. Originally Alice had considered being a nurse, but an encounter with the film “Sacred Spaces” propelled her in the direction of environmental education. While taking classes with IAS faculty member Robert Turner, Alice had opportunities to teach kids about ecosystems through Brightwater’s Islandwood program and local habitats through Sound Salmon Solutions. Her deep commitment to teaching others to steward the earth continues through various community projects, and most recently, she has joined Friends of North Creek Forest as their first-ever staff Education Manager! Read more about Alice’s journey and love for sacred spaces.

Alice visited campus to share her trajectory and advice for students, such as:

  • Use your time as a student to develop connections in the community and maintain them beyond graduation. These investments will bring fulfillment and could lead to career opportunities.
  • LinkedIn is a great tool for building your resume. Use it to archive your experiences and customize resumes.
  • Use UWB Career Services! Take advantage of the free 1:1 appointments before your graduate and the quarter following.
  • If grad school is a remote possibility, keep in touch with faculty members with whom you've worked closely or learned a great deal. Keep samples of your work in their courses to make it easy for them to provide references for graduate applications.