Kelle Grace Gaddis publishes “My Myths” and thrives as a writer

kelle grace gaddis publishes my myths

MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics alum Kelle Grace Gaddis (’14) is thriving as a writer. Her first book My Myths, a poetry collection, was published by Yellow Chair Press in October 2016. Gaddis was also published by The Till (October 2016), Five Willows Poetry Review (June 2016), Hessler Street Fair Anthology (May 2016), LOLX (April 2016), Shake The Tree Volume II (March 2016), LangLit International (February 2016), Moonlight Dreamers of the Yellow Haze (February 2016), BlazeVOX in BlazeVOX15 (December 2015), The New Independents (December 2015), Thirteen Myna Birds Journal (September 2015), A Starry Night Sanctuary (August 2015), Knot Literary Magazine (2014 and 2015), Entropy (May 2015) Dove Tales “The Nature Edition”(May 2015), Blackmail Presses 37th Edition (August/September 2014), Writing For Peace Journal (September 2014), and elsewhere. She was honored to be one of 4Culture’s “Poetry on the Buses” contest winners (2015) and was in the official program Lit Crawl Seattle 2015. Gaddis is the author of three chapbooks It Is What It Is, It Was What It Was, Visions Of, and American Discard and is a 2016 Till Writer’s Residency alum.

Last May, Gaddis and author CA Conrad coordinated a sold-out reading at The Jewel Box Theater, hosted by Matthew Trease and produced by Brightly Press. On October 19, Gaddis will perform poetry at Common AREA Maintenance (CAM), and on October 27, she will participate in Lit Crawl Seattle 2016, hosting writers Deborah Woodard and Stacey Levine.