Amaranth Borsuk performs and speaks in New York and Colorado

amaranth borsuk in new york and colorado

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk was recently in New York to take part in an event at legendary art nonprofit The Kitchen: "Electronic Literature Organization: We Have Always Been Digital." The afternoon of new media writing included established and emerging artists whose born-digital work spans apps, augmented reality, bots, generative poetry, live writing, video, and even work for the Amazon Echo. Hosted and curated by artist Illya Szilak, the event included Abraham Avnisan, John Cayley, David Clark, Caitlin Fisher, Ian Hatcher, Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Flourish Klink, Tan Lin, Nick Montfort, Kia Miakka Natisse, and Allison Parrish.

Borsuk also recently visited Colorado for a series of talks and performances. As a visiting artist in the Doctoral Program in Intermedia Art, Writing, and Performance at CU Boulder, she spoke in graduate and undergraduate classes and gave a presentation of her work, "The Book Mutates: A Talk and Reading" (two part video available below). While in Colorado, she traveled to Fort Collins to read in the EveryEye/Fork Socket series with poets Julie Carr and Sam Killmeyer. In Denver, she took part in Subtext, an evening of national and Denver-based artists and creators working with text and media. Participants included Douglas Kearney, SpringGun Press, Miriam Suzanne, Joshua Ware, Khadijah Queen, W. Scott Howard, Rafael Fajardo, Noah Phillips, Laleh Mehran, and Timothy Weaver. Borsuk performed her recently re-issued collaboration with Brad Bouse, Between Page and Screen, which was released by SpringGun Press earlier this year. The pair's recent collaboration, Whispering Galleries, is included in an exhibit opening at Winona University's Watkins Art Gallery 9/22: You | I: Interfaces and Reader Experience.