Shannon Cram publishes and speaks on nuclear energy, work, and politics

shannon cram nuclear energy work and politics

IAS faculty member Shannon Cram published "Living in Dose: Nuclear Work and the Politics of Permissible Exposure" in Public Culture. Informed by her ethnographic and policy work at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Cram's article traces the historical development and embodied practice of "permissible dose" in U.S. nuclear industry. She considers the deeply political ways that worker exposure facilitates nuclear production and examines how "safe" has become synonymous with "safe enough" at Hanford. She also presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science conference in Barcelona, Spain. Her paper about exposure and illness at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was part of a series of panels entitled, "Infrastructures of nuclearity: exploring entangled histories, spaces, and futures."

Hanford Nuclear Reservation