Kristin Gustafson and the Husky Herald Receive Awards at 2016 Club Council Recognition Banquet

ias club council awards

photo of Husky Herald members with award

At this year’s Club Council Recognition Banquet, the Husky Herald won the UW Bothell Club Council’s Rising Star Award. The Rising Star Award recognizes a registered campus club or organization that has shown tremendous improvements throughout the 2015-2016 academic school year. The Husky Herald was selected due to notable increases in activity and presence on campus. IAS students Alia Marsha and Bri Ishihara are the publications Editor in Chief and Copy Chief, respectively. Both students are Media & Communication Studies majors.

The Husky Herald’s adviser, IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson, also won Club Adviser of the Year. Club faculty advisers work constantly throughout the school year to support student lead clubs on campus. The Club Adviser of the Year award is meant to recognize these individuals for all their hard work and dedication. Gustafson was selected based on the positive impact she had on the club, as reported in student nominations.

Club Adviser of the Year photo

More pictures from the banquet can be seen on the Club Council Facebook page.

Recognition Banquet sign