Interactive Artworks by IAS Faculty Amaranth Borsuk and micha cárdenas Included in Electronic Literature Collection Volume 3

The Electronic Literature Collection Vol. 3 (ELC3) continues the legacy begun by the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) in 2006 of curating and archiving electronic literature, which the editors define as “the artistic engagement of digital media and language.” The ELC3 comprises 75 entries that include everything from physical interfaces and iPhone apps to Twitter bots and Twine games to concrete Flash poetry and alternate reality games to newly performed netprov and classic hypertext fiction. As the editors write, “By pulling projects from these different spaces and times into the same collection, the ELC3 aims not only to preserve a diverse set of media artifacts but to produce a genealogy that interleaves differing historical traditions, technical platforms, and aesthetic practices.”

The launch of the collection is linked to the exhibition “Electronic Literature: A Matter of Bits” at Rutgers University Camden.