Asaya Plumly (MACS 2017) Named Grad Rep to the New Campus Diversity Council

grad rep to campus diversity council

Asaya Plumly, a first-year MA in Cultural Studies student, has been named the graduate student representative on the newly constituted campus Diversity Council. The Diversity Council is charged with guiding campus work to fully implement the Diversity Action Plan, and “intentionally include(s) membership from all campus units and appropriate diversity related student groups.”

Asaya comes from a mixed race family and spent much of his childhood moving between different US military bases around the world. He received his bachelor’s degree in Political Economy and Social Movements from the Evergreen State College and has worked previously in the fields of education, non-profit organizations and labor. He enjoys FaceTiming with his newborn nephew in San Diego, creating art, and playing basketball.

Appropriately, his research interests include “the intersection of sports and politics, transformative coaching, early childhood development, anti-oppression curriculum, redefining masculinity, how race is awesome and how race is the worst.”

Asaya brings his creativity, passion and commitment to social justice, and focus on listening to the voices most marginalized in the community to the Diversity Council. He looks forward to collaborating with other members of the council and the campus leadership/administration, with dignity and respect, in order to implement the Diversity Action Plan.