MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics Alumni are Publishing Widely

MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics alumni are publishing widely! Issue 5 of Small Po[r]tions, a twice yearly journal of short[er] work and multi/intermedia art, has hit the web. Co-editors include MFA alumni Sarah Baker (’15), Breka Blakeslee (’15), Laura Burgher(’15), Lynarra Featherly (’15), Aimee Harrison (’14), and Travis Sharp and current MFA student Tracy Gregory. 2015 alums Sarah Baker, Laura Burgher, Lynarra Featherly, and Travis Sharp produced an interview series with small press publisher running on The Conversant. And finally, “Body in Expensive Heels the Studs a Bit Worn,” a poem by Travis Sharp, was selected by Ronaldo V Wilson as a finalist and honorable mention in the Gigantic Sequins Poetry Contest. Congratulations, MFA alums!