IAS contributes mightily to the American Studies Association

IAS faculty members contributed to six different events at the American Studies Association conference in Toronto, Canada. Bruce Burgett chaired a roundtable on “After the Misery: What Are Critical University Studies For?,” responding with the answer “Transdisciplinary Praxis.” Dan Berger contributed to a roundtable called “Freedom From Violence: Resistance as Question and Imperative” with a talk on “All that Ella Baker and Milton Friedman Don’t Have in Common: Rethinking Freedom Between Exploitation and Emancipation.” Jed Murr presented “’Enough to Destroy’: The Fugitive Insurgency of the Omowale Mural” on a “Black Sites and Fugitive Visions” panel. Jose Fuste discussed “Of Negroes and Negros: Negotiating Black (Inter)Nationalisms Across the US/Cuba Imperial Divide, 1895-1909” as part of a panel on “Methodological Miseries and Race along the Seams of Empire. micha cardenas presented “Stitching Poetics: Algorithmic Identity and Networked Bodies” as part of a panel on “Digital Death Worlds: Mediating Necropolitics.” cardenas also performed a live version of her digital project Redshift and Portalmetal at the YYZ Gallery.