Amaranth Borsuk is currently the writer in residence for the Alice Gallery in Georgetown

amaranth borsuk is currently the writer in residen

Amaranth Borsuk is currently the writer in residence for the Alice Gallery in Georgetown. Curators Julie Alexander and Julia Freeman (UW School of Art) invite a writer to use the gallery space and compose a work in response to each exhibition. A broadside of Borsuk's text, which responds to the dense materiality of the current show, I Come To You In Pieces (featuring artwork by Maria Walker, Rachel Meginnes, and Guy Merrill that reuses found materials) is available at the gallery. The piece is also featured on the gallery's website. Borsuk will read poems later this month at Elliott Bay Book Company to celebrate Red Hen Press and the Los Angeles Review, whose most recent issue includes two poems from her forthcoming book. Other readers include Tom Janikowski, Elissa Washuta, and Patrick Milan.