Joe Milutis
Associate Professor & Director, MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics

B.A. Modern Culture and Media, Brown University
M.A. Modern Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Ph.D. Modern Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Office: UW1-141
Phone: 425-352-3587
Mailing Box: 358530, 18115 Campus Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011-8246
In the classroom, what I hope students will come away with—in addition to strong technical skills—is experience and inspiration to creatively think about how media and writing relate to other art forms and modes of inquiry. Students will be encouraged to be leaders in the creation and design of uncommon assemblages and hybrids which may very well be tomorrow’s commonplace.
Courses Taught
BIS 206 Engaging Literary Arts: Beats and Beyond
BIS 318 Performances, Community, Identity and Everyday Life
BISCLA 384 Literary and Popular Genres: The Supernatural
BISIA 319 Interdisciplinary Arts Core
BISIA 374 Arts Workshop: Sound and Radio Art
BISIA 374 Arts Workshop: The Art of the Remix
BISIA 483 Advanced Arts Workshop: Creative Non-Fiction
BISIA 483 Advanced Arts Workshop: Postmodern Fiction Through Photoshop
BISIA 483 Advanced Arts Workshop: Experimental Writing
BISIA 483 Advanced Arts Workshop: Internet Poetry, Memes, and Gifs
BCWRIT 502 Writing Workshop: Processes of Thinking and Memory
BCWRIT 511 Poetics Seminar: Writers’ Research
BCULST 587 Writing Through the Image
BCULST 593 Topics in Cultural Studies: Sound Cultures
I am media artist and writer whose interdisciplinary work includes experimental sound and radio; video works; new media; experimental narrative; theoretical writings; and various media and literature hybrids. Since the early 90s, after having produced a number of radio art broadcasts, my work has focused on new genres and media that have uncertain status and value. Most recently, I have been exploring experimental translation, and its possible cross-overs with remix aesthetics, conceptual writing, and transmission art practices. A number of chapbooks, videos and performances have emerged from this project, including Monkey pOm! (a translation of Hanuman Chalisa), Mao Vincit Omnia (a translation of Mao’s Little Red Book), The Numbers (a translation of a German translation of Robert Creeley’s number poems), and Twenty Beloved French Poems, Treated Poorly (a translation of 19th-century French poetry). I am currently working on a translation of Michael Maier’s 17th-century alchemical emblem book Atalanta Fugiens, and Bright Arrogance—a column for Jacket2 on experimental translation practices.
Books and Book Chapters
- Failure, A Writer’s Life (Zero Books, 2013)
- Ether: The Nothing That Connects Everything (University of Minnesota Press, 2006)
- “Making the World Safe for Fashionable Philosophy!” in Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader (New World Perspectives/Ctheory Books, 2004)
- “Radiophonic Ontologies and the Avantgarde.” in Experimental Sound and Radio (MIT Press, 2001)
Selected Publications
- “Translational Granularity.” Amodern. January 2018.
- “The Quiddities.” Triple Canopy. Issue #11. 2011.
- “R, Adieu.” Triple Canopy. Issue #8. 2010.
- “The Biography of the Sample: Notes on the Hidden Contexts of Acousmatic Art.” Leonardo Music Journal. Winter 2008.
- “Haunted Mazes.” Cabinet: A Quarterly Magazine of Art and Culture. Winter 2007.
- “F2F.” Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures 01 2006.
- “Do Not Mingle One Human Feeling.” Cabinet: A Quarterly Magazine of Art and Culture. Spring 2005.
- “Superflux of Sky.” Cabinet: A Quarterly Magazine of Art and Culture. Spring 2003.
- “Riddles of the Interface: Hieroglyphic Consciousness and New Experimental Multimedia.” Wide Angle 21.1. 1999.
- “Think Again: Artificial Intelligence, Television, and Video.” ArtByte: The Magazine of Digital Arts. 1.5. Dec-Jan. 1998-99.
- “Pixelated Drama.” Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism. 25.3. Nov-Dec. 1997.