Jason Frederick Lambacher

Ph.D. Political Science, University of Washington
Office: UW1-391
Email: jlambach@uw.edu
CV: LinkedIn
Political Theory, International Relations, Environmental Political Theory, Environmental Ethics, Global Environmental Politics, Global Justice & Activism, Philosophy, Politics of Comedy and Satire, Human Rights and Climate Change
King County Citizens Election Oversight Committee
Recent Courses Taught
Art and Politics of Comedy
Human Rights and Climate Chaos
Intro to Globalization
Intro to Political Theory
Art & Politics of Walking
American Government
Global Justice Activism & NGOs
Individuality & Individualism
Democracy, Power & Freedom
Politics of Extinction, Democratic Theory, Critical Globalization Studies, Green Civic Republicanism, Freedom and Green Politics, International Peace Parks, Politics of Ecological Nostalgia, Wilderness & Wildness, Cross-Cultural Dialogue, Comparative Politics of Dam Removals Worldwide
Selected Publications
- “Extinction & Democracy: Wildness, Wilderness, and Global Conservation.” Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, Vol. 18, Nos 3/4, pp. 325-349 (2017)
- “Justice, Power, and Activism: What the Goldman Environmental Prize Winners Teach Us About Resilience and Democracy.” Curriculum for the Bioregion (2017)
- “Limits of Freedom and the Freedom of Limits,” in Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory (Oxford 2016)
- “Nesting Cranes: Envisioning A Russo-Japanese Peace Park in the Kuril Islands,” in Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution (Saleem Ali, Editor), (MIT Press 2007)
- Book Review: The Green State: Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty (Robyn Eckersley), in Global Environmental Politics V.4 n.4 (2004), MIT Press