First-Year Peer Coaching Program

Meet the 2024 Peer Coaches

Who are they?

Peer Coaches are trained student-leaders who help support all first-year students transition into UW Bothell through one-on-one coaching sessions. They’re the student-experts on campus who can help first-year students adjust socially, academically, and emotionally so they have the best college experience possible.

How does it work?

Each first-year student is enrolled in the program and is assigned a coach who will meet them during summer orientation and continue supporting them through fall quarter.

What type of support do they offer?

Coaches hold individual sessions at least once a month to build strong relationships, facilitate personal goal-setting, and refer students to appropriate resources. They help students achieve strong academic results and offer unique involvement opportunities. We know finding communities can be difficult, so coaches also host social events and connect students with club activities on campus. Beyond that, our coaches run the New Student Networks, which are specific pathways for students who may have unique transition experiences.

What to expect:

  • Orientation: Peer Coaches will facilitate a small-group session with their coachees. This gives first-year students a chance to build relationships with their coach and other new students, get acquainted with the campus, and discover ways to get involved!
  • Fall Quarter: Once a month, first-year students will meet individually with their coaches to set goals, discuss achievements and challenges, and create personalized action plans. Our team of coaches will also host social events for all first-year students to attend in order to build lasting relationships and networking opportunities.