Email signature
Prefered Format
Copy and paste this template (from name through email) into the signature tool in your email program, then replace the generic information with your own and add the UW Bothell logo signature image beneath it.
The recommended font is Open Sans. If it is not available on your operating system, use Calibri, Arial or Verdana.
YOUR NAME (all caps, bold, font size 12pt, color black)
Your title (font size 11pt, color black)
Your department (font size 11pt, color black)
Your building Box 000000 (font size 11pt, color black)
0000 Your Building Street, Building Floor/Suite City, WA 00000-0000 (font size 11pt, color black)
000.000.0000 / mobile 000.000.0000 / fax 000.000.0000 (font size 11pt, color black) / (font size 11pt, color black)
UW Bothell logo signature
NOTICE: Using the UW Bothell logo in your signature requires the use of image alt text
Make sure images added to your email signature have alt text for those viewing your email with a screen reader or other assistive technology. Alt text is used to describe the appearance and function of an image on a page.
Outlook Desktop Application (Windows)
- After the image has been added to an email signature
- Right-click the image and select Picture…
- Then click the Alt Text tab
- Add the following: “University of Washington Bothell logo with purple W” to the alternate text field
- Select OK to complete
Outlook Desktop Application (Mac)
- After the image has been added to an email signature
- Right-click the image and select Edit Alt Text…
- Add the following: “University of Washington Bothell logo with purple W” to the alternate text field
- Select OK to complete
Outlook for the Web
- After the image has been added to an email signature
- Right-click the image and select Add alternate text
- Add the following: “University of Washington Bothell logo with purple W” to the alternate text field
- Select OK to complete
Download the simple logo signature image