Academic Breadth Courses
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
On this page
- UW Bothell
- Bellevue College
- Cascadia College
- Edmonds College
- Everett Community College
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Seattle Colleges
- Shoreline Community College
- UW Seattle
- UW Tacoma
UW Bothell
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- B EDUC 340 STEAM Education
- BIS 121 Introduction to Drawing A&H
- BIS 132 Introduction to Photography A&H
- BIS 133 Introduction to Acting A&H
- BIS 134 Introduction to Dance A&H
- BIS 135 Introduction to Painting A&H
- BISIA 230 Performing Arts Techniques A&H
- BISIA 240 Visual and Media Arts Techniques A&H
- BISIA 250 Photography as Art A&H
- BISIA 283 Interdisciplinary Art Techniques A&H
- BISIA 340 Visual and Media Arts Workshop A&H
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- B WRIT 133 Composition Stretch II C
- B WRIT 134 Composition C
Literature (1 course)
- B EDUC 250 Topics in Education & Popular Culture: Banned Books & Controversial Topics in Children’s Literature & Young Adult Fiction A&H
- BIS 164 Introduction to World Literature A&H, DIV
- BIS 206 Engaging Literary Arts A&H
- BIS 301 Narrative Forms A&H
- BIS 361 Studies in American Literature A&H
- BIS 370 Nineteenth-Century American Literature A&H
- BIS 371 Twentieth-Century American Literature A&H
- BIS 377 British Literature and the Gothic Novel A&H
- BIS 379 American Ethnic Literatures A&H, SSc, DIV
- BIS 387 Women and American Literature A&H
- BIS 388 Literature in Translation A&H
- BIS 389 American Indian Literature A&H/SSc
- BIS 407 Children’s Literature and Reader Response Criticism A&H
- BIS 455 Literature & Sexuality A&H/SSc
- BIS 481 Modernism, Postmodernism, and American Literature A&H
- BIS 486 Studies in Women and Literature A&H
- BIS 487 Topics in American Literature A&H
- BIS 488 Topics in British Literature A&H
- BISCLA 384 Literary and Popular Genres A&H
Mathematics – 1 course
- B EDUC 170 Math for Elementary Teachers NSc
Science – 2 courses
- B EDUC 240 Science & Engineering for an Ethical and Just Society NSc, DIV LAB
- B EDUC 241 Time in Socio-Ecological Systems: Sun, Moon, Clocks, and Contaminants NSc, DIV LAB
Alternative science courses
Courses must be from different science categories.
- BIS 241 Nature in the Northwest NSc
- BIS 243 Introduction to Environmental Issues SSc/NSc
- BIS 306 Marine Diversity and Conservation SSc/NSc
- BIS 381 The History of Life SSc/NSc, RSN
- BIS 390 Ecology & the Environment NSc
- BES 312 Ecology NSc
- B BIO 130 Introduction to Marine Life NSc
- B BIO 180 Introductory Biology I NSc LAB
- B BIO 231/BISSTS 231 Genes, Genomes and Heredity SSc/NSc
- B BIO 285/BIS 285 Seminar in Biology SSc/NSc
- BEARTH 153 Introduction to Geology NSc
- BEARTH 154 Introduction to Oceanography NSc
- BEARTH 155 Introduction to Climate Science SSc/NSc
- B PHYS 101 Introduction to Astronomy (NSc, RSN
- B PHYS 201 The Cosmos NSc, RSN
- BIS 250 How Things Work: Motion and Mechanics SSc/NSc
- B CHEM 110/BST 110 Chemistry & Life NSc
- B CHEM 115 Introductory Chemistry I NSc, RSN LAB
- B CHEM 139 General Chemistry Prep NSc
- B PHYS 114 General Physics: Mechanics NSc, RSN LAB (if taken with B PHYS 117)
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- B EDUC 242 U.S. History and the Enduring War For Control of K-12 Curriculum: From Invasion to Insurrection SSc, DIV, W
- BIS 165 Introduction to Ethnic Studies, SSc, DIV
- BIS 167 People’s History of the United States (5) SSc, DIV
- BIS 256 Introduction to African American Studies SSc, DIV
- BIS 257 Introduction to Asian American Studies SSc, DIV
- BIS 258 Introduction to United States Latina/Latino Studies SSc, DIV
- BIS 266 United States History to 1865 SSc
- BIS 267 United States History from 1865 SSc
- BIS 326 Race, Space, and Segregation SSc
- BIS 327 History of U.S. Labor Institutions SSc
- BIS 336 History of Mass Incarceration in the US SSc
- BIS 424 Pacific Northwest History SSc
- BIS 425 Topics in U.S. Social and Political History SSc
- BISAES 305 Power, Dissent, and American Culture SSc/A&H, DIV
- BISAES 363 Conflict and Connection in the Americas SSc
- BISAES 364 Public Memory and Dissent in American Culture A&H/SSc
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- BIS 175 Introduction to American Government SSc
- BIS 180 Introduction to Human Geography
- BIS 200/B BUS 220 Introduction to Microeconomics SSc, RSN
- BIS 203 Economics of Gender, SSc, RSN, DIV
- BIS 218 The Power of Maps SSc
- BIS 242 Environmental Geography SSc/NSc
- BIS 280 U.S. Political Processes SSc
- BIS 314 Topics in Geography SSc
- BIS 320 Comparative Political Economies SSc
- BIS 416 U.S. Constitutional Law SSc
- BIS 443 Educational Policy and the American Economy SSc
Bellevue College
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 111 Design Color
- ART 112 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 120 Drawing I
- ART 150 Basic Photo I
- ART 154 Introduction to Digital Photography
- ART 230 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 240 Oil Painting
- ART 245 Watercolor I
- ART 247 Watercolor II
- ART 260 Basic Ceramics I
- ART 280 Sculpture
- DANCE 130 Jazz Technique I
- DANCE 140 Ballet Technique I
- DANCE 151 Contemporary Dance I
- DANCE 152 Contemporary Dance II
- DANCE 170 Tap Technique I
- DRMA 151 Basic Acting: Fundamentals
- DRMA 154 Musical Theatre Acting Fundamentals
- DRMA 159 Basic Acting Movement
- DRMA 161 Acting for Film & Media
- DRMA 215 Scene Design
- DRMA 251 Acting Contemporary Scene Study
- DRMA 256 Shakespearean Scene Study
- DRMA 280 Studio Theater I
- DRMA 284 Musical Theatre Performance I
- DRMA 285 Musical Theatre Performance II
- MUSC 100 Concert Choir I
- MUSC 101 Community Symphonies
- MUSC 102 Community Band
- MUSC 106 Jazz Band
- MUSC 107 Fundamentals of Music
- MUSC 109 Vocal Jazz & Recording Ensemble
- MUSC 120 Class Voice Vocal Group Instruction
- MUSC 130 Group Piano Instruction I
- MUSC 135 Beginning Guitar
- MUSC 136 Intermediate Guitar
- MUSC 140 First-Year Private Instruction I
- MUSC 143 First-Year Private Instruction II
- MUSC 156 Audio Engineering & Production I
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature I
- ENGL& 112 Introduction to Fiction
- ENGL 210 Introduction to European Literature
- ENGL 219 World Literature I
- ENGL 221 Popular Literature
- ENGL 223 Children’s Literature
- ENGL& 244 Shakespeare I
- ENGL 226 Literature & Current Issues I
- ENGL 228 Historical Perspectives in Literature I
- ENGL& 244 American Literature I
- ENGL& 245 American Literature II
- ENGL& 246 American Literature III
- ENGL 260 American Literature: Harlem Renaissance
- ENGL 261 American Literature: Essential Black Voices
- ENGL 266 English Literature: 20th-Century Writers
- ENGL 276 Women Writers
Mathematics – 1 course
- MATH& 131 Math for Elementary Education I
- MATH& 132 Math for Elementary Education II
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- BIOL& 100 Survey of Biology
- BIOL 108 Human Biology LAB
- BIOL 125 Survey of Human Diseases
- BIOL 150 Marine Biology LAB
- BIOL& 160 General Biology w/Lab LAB
- BOTAN 110 Introductory Plant Biology
- BOTAN 113 Plant Identification and Classification
- BOTAN 120 Introduction to Mycology
Earth or Space Science
- ASTR& 100 Survey of Astronomy
- ASTR& 101 Introduction to Astronomy
- ENVS& 100 Survey of Environmental Science
- ENVS 207 Field & Laboratory Environmental Science LAB
- GEOL& 101 Introduction to Physical Geology LAB
- GEOL 103 Evolution of the Earth LAB
- GEOL 107 Geologic Catastrophes
- GEOL& 208 Geology of the Pacific NW LAB
- METR 101 Introduction to the Weather
- METR 111 Global Warming: Causes and Consequences
- OCEA& 101 Introduction to Oceanography LAB
- OCEA 110/ENVS 110 Environmental Oceanography
Physical Science
- CHEM 100 Chemical Explorations
- CHEM& 110 Chemical Concepts LAB
- CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry
- CHEM& 140 General Chemistry Preparation LAB
- PHYS& 100 Physics – Basic Concepts
- PHYS 104 Discoveries in Physics
- PHYS 105 Light and Color
- PHYS 109 Science for Information Technology
- PHYS& 114 General Physics I
- PHYS 121 General Engineering Physics I
- PHYS 225 Modern Physics
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- CES 140 Introduction to African American Studies
- CES 150 Introduction to Asian American Studies
- CES 170 Introduction to Latinx Studies
- CES 181 Muslims in America
- CES 257 Queer Studies
- HIST& 146 US History I
- HIST& 147 US History II
- HIST& 148 US History III
- HIST 150 African American History
- HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History
- HIST 246 History of Immigration to the US
- HIST 250 U.S. Military History
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON 100 Introduction to Basic Economic Principles
- ECON& 201 Microeconomics
- ECON& 202 Macroeconomics
- ECON 260 Economic Development of the U.S.
- GEOG& 100 Introduction to Geography
- GEOG 102 World Regional Geography
- GEOG 105 Geography of World Affairs
- GEOG 123 Introduction to Globalization
- GEOG& 200 Human Geography
- GEOG 250 Geography of the Pacific Northwest
- GEOG 258 Intro to Mapping & Geographic Information System
- POLS 160 Introduction to American Political Culture
- POLS& 202 American Government
Cascadia College
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 110 2-Dimensional Design
- ART 120 Introduction to Graphic Design
- ART 121 Drawing
- DRMA& 101 Introduction To Theatre
- DRMA 151 Introduction to Acting
- DRMA 152 Acting – Scene Study
- DRMA 153 Performance Production
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 211 Literary Genres and Traditions
- ENGL& 244 U.S. Literature I
- ENGL& 245 U.S. Literature II
- ENGL& 254 World Literature I
- ENGL& 255 World Literature II
Mathematics – 1 course
- MATH& 131 Math for Elementary Education I
- MATH& 132 Math for Elementary Education I
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- BIOL 120 Survey of the Kingdoms LAB
- BIOL 165 Life: Origins and Adaptations
- BIOL& 170 Human Biology
- BIOL& 211 Majors Cellular LAB
- ENVS& 101 Intro to Environmental Science LAB
- ENVS 120 Wetland Conservation
- ENVS 150 Themes & Methods in Environmental
- ENVS 210 Ecology of Puget Sound Bioregion LAB
- ENVS 220 Wetland Ecology LAB
Earth or Space Science
- ASTR& 100 Survey of Astronomy
- ASTR& 101 Introduction to Astronomy LAB
- ASTR& 115 Stars, Galaxies and Cosmos
- ATMS 101 The Science of Weather
- NSCI 101 Evolution of Earth Systems
- GEOL& 101 Intro to Physical Geology LAB
- OCEA& 101 Intro to Oceanography LAB
Physical Science
- CHEM& 105 Chemical Concepts: Your Global Environment
- CHEM& 121 Intro to Chemistry LAB
- CHEM& 139 General Chemistry Preparation
- CHEM& 161 General Chemistry I LAB
- ENGR 120 Introduction to Computer Aided Design LAB
- ENGR 131 Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 240 Applied Numerical Methods
- PHYS& 100 Physics for Non-Science Majors
- PHYS& 114 General Physics with Lab I LAB
- PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I LAB
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- HIST& 146 United States History I
- HIST& 147 United States History II
- HIST& 148 United States History III
- HIST 150 Multicultural United States History
- HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History
- HIST 262 US Foreign Relations in the 20th Century
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON&201 Microeconomics
- GEOG 120 Introduction to Physical Geography
- GEOG& 250 Geography of the Pacific Northwest
- POLS&101 Introduction to Political Science
- POLS&200 Introduction to Law
- POLS&202 American Government
- POLS 206 State & Local Government
- POLS 213 Women and Politics
Edmonds College
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 101 Drawing I
- ART 111 2-Dimensional Design
- ART 150 Painting I: CD
- ART 160 Printmaking CD
- ART 170 Pottery I: CD
- ART 180 Sculpture
- ART 181 Ceramic Sculpture: CD
- ART 225 Introduction to Graphic Design
- DRMA& 101 Introduction To Theater
- MUSC 101 Music Fundamentals I
- MUSC 111 Class Guitar
- MUSC 112 Class Guitar
- MUSC 113 Class Guitar
- MUSC 114 Class Piano
- MUSC 115 Class Piano
- MUSC 116 Class Piano
- MUSC 117 Class Voice
- MUSC 118 Class Voice
- MUSC 119 Class Voice
- MUSC 211 Class Guitar
- MUSC 212 Class Guitar
- MUSC 213 Class Guitar
- MUSC 214 Class Piano
- MUSC 215 Class Piano
- MUSC 216 Class Piano
- MUSC 217 Class Voice
- MUSC 218 Class Voice
- MUSC 219 Class Voice
- PHOTO 101 Black and White Photography I
- PHOTO 103 Color and Digital Photography
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I
- ENGL& 102 Composition II
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 125 Reading Today’s Authors
- ENGL 185 Sports in Literature
- ENGL& 244 American Literature I
- ENGL& 245 American Literature II
- ENGL& 246 American Literature III
Mathematics – 1 course
None – may take B EDUC 170 at UW Bothell
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- BIOL& 100 Survey of Biology LAB
- BIOL 105 Western Washington Ecology LAB
- BIOL 106 Marine Biology LAB
- BIOL& 175 Human Biology LAB
- BIOL& 211 Majors Cellular LAB
Earth or Space Science
- ASTR& 110 The Solar System LAB
- ASTR 120 Stars and Galaxies
- ENVS& 101 Intro to Environmental Science LAB
- ENVS 105 Weather LAB
- GEOL& 101 Intro to Physical Geology LAB
- OCEA& 101 Intro to Oceanography LAB
Physical Science
- CHEM& 110 Chemical Concepts LAB
- CHEM& 121 Intro to Chemistry LAB
- CHEM& 139 General Chemistry Preparation
- ENGR 111 Introduction to Engineering 1: Modeling and Analysis
- ENGR 121 Introduction to Engineering 2: Design
- PHYS& 110 Physics for Non-Science Majors LAB
- PHYS& 114 General Physics with Lab I LAB
- PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I LAB
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- ECON 130 American Economic History:CD
- HIST 104/DIVST 117 African-American History to 1865:CD
- HIST 105/DIVST 118 African-American History 1865-1945:CD
- HIST 106/DIVST 119 African-American History from 1945:CD
- HIST& 146 United States History I
- HIST& 147 United States History II
- HIST& 148 United States History III
- HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON 120 General Economics
- ECON&201 Microeconomics
- ECON&202 Macroeconomics
- GEOG& 100 Introduction to Geography
- GEOG& 207 Economic Geography
- POLS&101 Introduction to Political Science
- POLS& 202 American Government
- POLS 206 State and Local Government
Everett Community College
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 110 Design I: Two-dimensional Visual Foundations
- ART 111 Design II: 3 Dimensional
- ART 115 Drawing I
- ART 123 Introduction to Studio Art
- ART 140 Kiln Formed Glass I
- ART 210 Studio Workshop
- ART 230 Glassblowing I
- ART 240 Printmaking I
- ART 270 Ceramics I: Handbuilding and Foundations
- DRMA 100 Rehearsal, Production and Performance
- DRMA 102 Beginning Acting
- DRMA 121 Acting Styles
- DRMA 130 Improvisation and Sketch Comedy
- MUSC 117 Class Piano – Elementary, Intermediate
- MUSC 124 Class Voice I
- MUSC 126 Singing on Stage
- MUSC 128 Class Guitar
- MUSC 217 Private Instruction in Composition and Improvisation
- PHOTO 110 Introduction to Digital Photography
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 120D Native American Literature
- ENGL 171 Special Topics in Language and Literature
- ENGL 175D Introduction to African American Literature and Culture
- ENGL 180 American Working-Class Literature
- ENGL 183 Children’s Literature
- ENGL 203 Young Adult Literature
- ENGL& 224 Shakespeare I
- ENGL& 225 Shakespeare II
- ENGL 229 Survey of British Literature
- ENGL 233 Modern British Literature
- ENGL 240 Introduction to American Literature
- ENGL& 246 American Literature III
- ENGL 251 Myth and Literature of Greece and Rome
- ENGL 252 Medieval and Renaissance Literature
- ENGL 253 Modern European Literature
- ENGL& 254 World Literature I: Themes
- ENGL 263 The Holocaust in Literature
Mathematics – 1 course
None – may take B EDUC 170 at UW Bothell
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- BIOL& 100 Survey of Biology LAB
- BIOL 105 Disease in Modern Society
- BIOL 107 Life Science for Everybody LAB
- BIOL 130 Marine Biology LAB
- BIOL 142 Topics in Ecology
- BIOL& 211 Majors Cellular LAB
- BOT 113 Plants of the Pacific Northwest LAB
Earth or Space Science
- ATM S 101 Weather LAB
- ASTR& 100 Survey of Astronomy
- ASTR& 101 Introduction to Astronomy LAB
- ASTR& 115 Stars, Galaxies and Cosmos LAB
- ASTR 122 Life in the Universe LAB
- ENVS& 100 Survey of Environmental Science: Sustaining Our Earth
- ENVS& 101 Introduction to Environmental Science LAB
- GEOL 102 Introduction to Geological Science I LAB
- GEOL& 103 Historical Geology LAB
- GEOL 104 Introduction to Geological Science II LAB
- GEOL 106 Survey of Earth Science LAB
- GEOL 107 Earth Science for Everybody LAB
- GEOL 108 Geological Natural Disasters – Living with the Earth LAB
- GEOL& 110 Environmental Geology LAB
- GEOL 190 Regional Geoscience Field Exploration LAB
- GEOL& 208 Geology of the Pacific NW LAB
- OCEA& 101 Introduction to Oceanography LAB
Physical Science
- CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry LAB
- CHEM& 140 General Chemistry Prep LAB
- CHEM& 161 General Chemistry I LAB
- PHYS 102 Concepts and Connections LAB
- PHYS& 114 General Physics I LAB
- NAT S 107 Physical Science for Everybody LAB
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- HIST& 146 US History I
- HIST& 147 US History II
- HIST& 148 US History III
- HIST 170D Multicultural American History
- HIST 210 The Vietnam War
- HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History
- HIST& 215D Women in U.S. History
- HUM 180 Introduction to Latinos in the United States
- HUM 210 Introduction to Women’s Lives in the United States
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON 101D Understanding Economics
- ECON& 201 Micro Economics
- ECON& 202 Macro Economics
- GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography
- GEOG 102D World Regional Geography
- GEOG 200 Economic Geography
- GEOG 205 Physical Geography
- GEOG 220 Geography of Asia
- GEOG 230 Political Geography
- GEOG 240 Geography of the Pacific Northwest
- POLS& 101 Introduction to Political Science
- POLS& 202 American Government
- POLS 205 State and Local Politics
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 102 Design I
- ART 104 Color for Creatives
- ART 111 Beginning Painting for Non Art Majors
- ART 121 Introduction to Drawing
- ART 124 Introduction to Printmaking
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL&101 English Composition I
- ENGL&102 English Composition II
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature I
Mathematics – 1 course
- MATH& 131 Math for Elementary Education I
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- BIOL& 100 Survey of Biology LAB
- BIOL& 160 General Biology LAB
- BIOL& 175 Human Biology LAB
- HORT 111 Botany
Earth or Space Science
- ENVS& 101 Introduction to Environmental Science LAB
- GEOL& 101 Introduction to Physical Geology LAB
Physical Science
- CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry
- CHEM& 161 General Chemistry I LAB
- ENGR 110 Introduction to Engineering I: Modeling and Analysis
- PHYS& 114 General Physics I LAB
- PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I LAB
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- HIST& 146 US History I
- HIST& 147 US History II
- HIST& 148 US History III
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON& 201 Microeconomics
- ECON& 202 Macroeconomics
- POLS& 202 American Government
Seattle Colleges
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 101 Design
- ART 111 Drawing
- ART 114 Introduction to Digital Photography
- ART 121 Introduction to Printmaking
- ART 122 Introduction to Printmaking-Intermediate
- ART 123 Continuing Printmaking: Monotype and Monoprint
- ART 124 Printmaking – Screenprinting
- ART 125 Basic Silk Screen Process
- ART 201 Painting
- ART 205 Watercolor Painting
- ART 210 Digital And Graphic Art – Photoshop + Illustrator
- ART 221 Ceramic Art
- ART 240 Book Arts
- ART 281 Jewelry Design I
- DRMA 108 Rehearsal & Performance
- DRMA 120 Introduction to Acting
- DRMA 121 Acting
- DRMA 204 Intro Dance – Jazz I
- MUSC 119 Beginning Group Instruction Voice
- MUSC 124 Create Music From Beats to Melody
- MUSC 125 Creative Music Fundamentals
- MUSC 126 Beginning Group Piano
- MUSC 130 Individual Instruction: Voice
- MUSC 145 Pop Vocal Ensemble
- MUSC 146 Popular Music Ensemble I
- MUSC 151 Performance Experience
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I
- ENGL& 102 Composition II
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 115 LGBT Literature
- ENGL 130 Literature and the City
- ENGL 218 Holocaust Literature: Voices from the Holocaust
- ENGL& 226 British Literature I
- ENGL& 227 British Literature II
- ENGL 231 Children’s Literature
- ENGL 232 Young Adult Literature
- ENGL& 244 American Literature I
- ENGL& 245 American Literature II
- ENGL& 246 American Literature III
- ENGL 247 21st Century American Literature
- ENGL 252 Novels of Western Literature
- ENGL& 256 World Literature III
- ENGL 258 Literature of American Culture
- ENGL 260 Asian American Literature
- ENGL 265 Literature & Society
- ENGL 266 Postcolonial Literature
- ENGL& 270 The Beat Generation Writers
- ENGL 291 Literature by Women
Mathematics – 1 course
- MATH& 131 Math for Elementary Education I
- MATH& 132 Math for Elementary Education II
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- ANTH& 205 Biological Anthropology
- BIOL& 100 Survey of Biology
- BIOL 107 Introduction to Comparative Animal Behavior
- BIOL 120 Marine Biology LAB
- BIOL 125 Biology of the Pacific Northwest LAB
- BIOL 128 Survey of Human Anatomy & Physiology LAB
- BIOL 150 The Biology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases
- BIOL&160 General Biology LAB
- BIOL 161 Human Genetics
- BIOL&211 Majors Cellular LAB
- BIOL&241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BOT 112 The Plant Kingdom LAB
Earth or Space Science
- ASTR&100 Survey of Astronomy
- ASTR 102 Space and Space Travel LAB
- ASTR 104 Observational Astronomy
- ASTR 201 The Universe & the Origin of Life
- ENVS&100 Survey of Environmental Science
- ENVS&101 Intro to Environmental Science LAB
- ENVS 201 General Ecology
- ENVS 202 Agroecology: Ecological Approach to Agriculture
- ENVS 204 Soil Science & Conservation LAB
- GEOL&101 Intro Physical Geology
- GEOL& 103 Historical Geology: Evolution of the Earth LAB
- GEOL 105 Introductory Field Geology LAB
- GEOL 106 Dinosaurs
- GEOL 108 Minerals Gems and Fossils LAB
- GEOL&110 Environmental Geology: Geology and the Human Environment LAB
- GEOL 207 The Ice Ages LAB
- MEY 100 Meteorology
- OCEA& 100 Introduction to Oceanography
- OCEA& 101 Introduction to Oceanography LAB
Physical Science
- CHEM&110 Chemical Concepts LAB
- CHEM&121 Intro to Chemistry LAB
- CHEM&139 General Chemistry Prep
- CHEM&161 General Chem w/ Lab I LAB
- ENGR 116 Engineering Design & Creativity
- ENGR 140 Intro Engineering Problems
- ENGR 141 Scientific Programming
- ENGR 142 Computer Programming
- ENGR& 214 Statics
- ENGR 240 Introduction to Numerical Methods
- PHYS&100 Physics Non-Science Majors
- PHYS&114 General Physics I LAB
- PHYS&221 Engineering Physics I LAB
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- AME 102 Indigenous Peoples and the U.S.
- AME 150 America’s Ethnic History
- HIST 131 Asian American History
- HIST& 136 United States History I: to 1877
- HIST& 137 United States History II: 1877-Present
- HIST 140/WMN 140 Women in American History
- HIST& 146 United States History I: Until 1791
- HIST& 147 United States History II: the 1800s
- HIST& 148 United States History III: 1900-Present
- HIST 150 Multicultural Experiences in U.S. History
- HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON 100 Survey of Economics
- ECON 101 Intro to Economics in the World of Work
- ECON& 201 Microeconomics
- ECON& 202 Macroeconomics
- GEOG&100 Introduction to Geography
- GEOG&200 Human Geography
- POLS&101 Intro to Political Science
- POLS 105 The War on Drugs: Addiction & Mass Incarceration
- POLS 111 The American Presidency
- POLS 170 Minority Politics in USA
- POLS&202 American Government
- POLS 205 Political Economy
Shoreline Community College
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 109 Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 110 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 121 Ceramic Art 1
- ART 131 Drawing 1
- ART 144 Beginning Photography
- ART 244 Studio Photography
- ART 248 Introduction to Video Arts
- ART 251 Painting 1
- ART 254 Wood Art & Design
- ART 255 Glass Art and Design
- ART 256 Fiber Art & Design
- ART 261 Printmaking 1
- ART 271 Sculpture 1
- DRMA 144 Acting 1
- DRMA 155 Acting for Television and Film
- DRMA 156 Acting, Writing, Directing for The Camera I
- DRMA 226 Children’s Theater Production
- MUSC 100 Introduction to Music Theory
- MUSC 114 Class Instruction-Guitar I
- MUSC 115 Class Instruction Electric Bass
- MUSC 119 Class Piano for Gen. Students
- MUSC 161 Class Voice Instruction – Beginning
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I
- ENGL& 102 Composition II: Reasoning/Research/Writing
Literature (1 course)
- ENGL& 111 Introduction to Literature (5)
- ENGL 154 Great Works of Asian Literature (5)
- ENGL 200 Survey of World Literature (5)
- ENGL 207 Introduction to Irish Literature (5)
- ENGL& 226 British Literature I (5)
- ENGL& 227 British Literature II (5)
- ENGL& 228 British Literature III (5)
- ENGL 229 Gothic Literature (5)
- ENGL& 244 American Literature I (5)
- ENGL& 245 American Literature II (5)
- ENGL& 246 American Literature III (5)
- ENGL 247 African American Literature (5)
- ENGL 257 Literature of Latin America
Mathematics – 1 course
- MATH& 171 Math for Elementary Education I
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- ANTH& 205 Biological Anthropology (5)
- BIOL 124 Northwest Flora LAB
- BIOL 126 Sust Garden/Horticulture LAB
- BIOL 144 Marine Biology LAB
- BIOL& 170 Human Biology LAB
- BIOL& 211 Majors Cellular: Biology LAB
- BIOL& 231 Human Anatomy LAB
- BIOL& 232 Human Physiology
- ENVS& 101 Intro to Environmental Science LAB
Earth or Space Science
- ASTR& 101 Introduction to Astronomy
- GEOL& 101 Intro to Physical Geology LAB
- GEOL& 110 Environmental Geology LAB
- OCEA& 101 Introduction to Oceanography
Physical Science
- CHEM& 110 Chemical Concepts LAB
- CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry LAB
- CHEM& 131 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry LAB
- ENGR 102 Introduction to Electronics
- ENGR& 104 Introduction to Design: Mechatronics & Robotics
- ENGR 202 Design of Logic Circuits
- ENGR& 214 Statics
- PHYS 110 Concepts of the Physical World LAB
- PHYS& 114 General Physics LAB
- PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics with Lab I: Mechanics
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- HIST& 136 U.S. History 1: To 1877
- HIST& 137 U.S. History 2: From 1877
- HIST& 146 U.S. History I: Early America to 1800
- HIST& 147 U.S. History II: Nineteenth Century
- HIST& 148 U.S. History III: Twentieth Century
- HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History
- HIST& 215/GWS 215 Women In U.S. History
- HIST 218 American Environmental History
- HIST& 219 Native American History
- HIST& 220 African American History: Out of Africa
- HIST 245 History of American Immigration
- HIST 246 African-Amer Hist 1: Ancient Africa to 1877
- HIST 247 African-American History 2: From 1877
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- ECON 100 Survey of Economic Principles
- ECON& 201 Microeconomics
- ECON& 202 Macroeconomics
- POLS&101 Introduction to Political Science
- POLS& 202 Introduction to American Government and Politics
- POLS 221 American Foreign Policy
UW Seattle
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- ART 140 Basic Photography A&H
- ART 190 Introduction to Drawing A&H
- ART 233 Introduction to 3D4M: Glass A&H
- ART 253 Introduction to 3D4M: Ceramics A&H
- ART 272 Introduction to 3D4M: Sculpture A&H
- ART 281 Art Makerspaces: Woodworking A&H
- ART 339 Photography A&H
- DANCE 102 Introduction to Contemporary Modern Dance A&H
- DANCE 103 Introduction to Ballet A&H
- DANCE 110 Jazz Technique I A&H
- DANCE 117 Introduction to Commercial Dance A&H
- DANCE 156 Introduction to Dance A&H
- DANCE 166 Introduction to Contemporary Dance Making A&H
- DANCE 217 Commercial Dance A&H
- DANCE 235 Integrated Dance: Training and Composition A&H/SSc
- DANCE 236 Salsa and Afro-Caribbean Social Dance A&H, DIV
- DANCE 237 Ballroom Dance A&H
- DANCE 238 Swing Dance A&H
- DANCE 239 Tango A&H
- DANCE 240 Street and Club Dances SSc/A&H
- DANCE 242 Music for Dance: Embodied Rhythms A&H
- DANCE 270 Dance Performance Activities A&H
- DANCE 271 Dance Production Crew A&H
- DANCE 280 African Dance Techniques A&H
- DANCE 287 Capoeira A&H
- DANCE 357 Diaspora Negra: Afro-Latinx Dance Traditions SSc/A&H, DIV
- DANCE 358 African Dance and Culture SSc/A&H, DIV
- DANCE 370 Dance Performance A&H
- DANCE 410 Chamber Dance Production A&H
- DRAMA 251 Acting A&H
- DRAMA 254 Intro to acting skills A&H
- DRAMA 317 Introduction to Costume Construction A&H
- DRAMA 456 Topics in Theatre for Youth A&H
- MUSAP 205 String Techniques A&H
- MUSAP 210 Wind Techniques A&H
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- ENGL 109 & 110 Critical Composition I & II C
- ENGL 111 Composition: Literature C
- ENGL 121 Composition: Social Issues C
- ENGL 131 Composition: Exposition C
- ENGL 141 The Research Paper C
- ENGL 182 Composition: Multimodal C
- ENGL 281 Intermediate Expository Writing C
- ENGL 282 Intermediate Multimodal Composition
Literature (1 course)
- AAS 320 Hawaii’s Literatures A&H, DIV
- AAS 401 Asian American Literature to the 1940s A&H, DIV
- AAS 402 Contemporary Asian American Literature A&H, DIV
- AES 212 Comparative American Ethnic Literature A&H/SSc, DIV
- AIS 203 Introduction to American Indian and Indigenous Literature A&H, DIV
- AIS 376 First Nations Literature A&H
- AIS 377 Contemporary American Indian Literature A&H, DIV
- AIS 378 Contemporary American Indian Literature: A Northwest Focus A&H, DIV
- AFRAM 214 Introduction African American Literature A&H, DIV
- AFRAM 261 The African American Experience through Literature A&H/SSc
- AFRAM 318 Black Literary Genres A&H, DIV
- AFRAM 358 African American Literature A&H, DIV
- ASIAN 201 Literature and Culture of China: Ancient and Classical A&H/SSc
- ASIAN 203 Literature and Culture of Ancient and Classical India A&H/SSc
- ASIAN 204 Literature and Culture of China from Tradition to Modernity A&H/SSc
- ASIAN 206 Literature and Culture of South Asia from Tradition to Modernity A&H/SSc
- ASIAN 223 Buddhist Literature A&H/SSc
- ASIAN 225 Indian Philosophical Literature
- ASIAN 263 Great Works of Asian Literature
- CHIN 381 Literature in Modern China A&H
- CHSTU 465 Contemporary Chicano Literature A&H
- CHSTU 466 Chicano Literature: Fiction A&H
- CLAS 210 Greek and Roman Classics in English A&H
- C LIT 200 Introduction to Literature A&H
- C LIT 251 Introduction to Comparative Literature: Themes A&H
- C LIT 252 Introduction to Comparative Literature: Genres A&H
- C LIT 318 Literature and the Holocaust A&H, DIV
- C LIT 350 Themes in World Literature: Parents and Children A&H
- C LIT 352 Themes in World Literature: Death and Transfiguration A&H
- CZECH 420 Modern Czech Literature in English A&H
- ENGL 200 Reading Literary Forms A&H
- ENGL 202 Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature A&H
- ENGL 210 Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 1600 A&H
- ENGL 211 Literature, 1500-1800 A&H
- ENGL 212 Literature, 1700-1900 A&H
- ENGL 213 Modern and Postmodern Literature A&H
- ENGL 250 American Literature A&H
- ENGL 251/POL S 281 Literature and American Political Culture A&H/SSc
- ENGL 257 Asian-American Literature A&H, DIV
- ENGL 258 Introduction African American Literature A&H, DIV
- ENGL 259 Literature and Social Difference A&H, DIV
- ENGL 266 Literature and Technology A&H
- ENGL 310 The Bible as Literature A&H
- ENGL 311 Modern Jewish Literature in Translation A&H
- ENGL 312 Jewish Literature: Biblical to Modern SSc/A&H, DIV
- ENGL 313 Modern European Literature in Translation A&H
- ENGL 314 Transatlantic Literature and Culture A&H
- ENGL 316 Postcolonial Literature and Culture A&H, DIV
- ENGL 317 Literature of the Americas A&H, DIV
- ENGL 318 Black Literary Genres A&H, DIV
- ENGL 319 African Literatures A&H, DIV
- ENGL 320 English Literature: The Middle Ages A&H
- ENGL 322 Medieval and Early Modern Literatures of Encounter A&H, DIV
- ENGL 325 Early Modern Literature A&H
- ENGL 328 English Literature: Later Eighteenth Century A&H
- ENGL 330 English Literature: The Romantic Age A&H
- ENGL 335 English Literature: The Age of Victoria A&H
- ENGL 336 English Literature: Early Twentieth Century A&H
- ENGL 339 English Literature: Contemporary England A&H
- ENGL 340 Anglo-Irish Literature A&H
- ENGL 351 American Literature: The Colonial Period A&H
- ENGL 352 American Literature: The Early Nation A&H
- ENGL 353 American Literature: Later Nineteenth Century A&H
- ENGL 354 American Literature: Early Twentieth Century A&H
- ENGL 355 American Literature: Contemporary America A&H
- ENGL 357 Jewish American Literature and Culture A&H, DIV
- ENGL 358 African American Literature A&H, DIV
- ENGL 359 Contemporary American Indian Literature A&H, DIV
- ENGL 360 American Literature and Culture A&H/SSc
- ENGL 362 Latino Literary Genres A&H, DIV
- ENGL 363 Literature and the Other Arts and Disciplines A&H
- ENGL 364 Literature and Medicine A&H/SSc
- ENGL 365 Literature and Discourse on the Environment A&H
- ENGL 366 Literature and Law A&H
- ENGL 367 Gender Studies in Literature A&H, DIV
- ENGL 374 The Language of Literature A&H
- ENGL 386 Asian-American Literature SSc/A&H, DIV
- ENGL 457 Pacific Northwest Literature A&H
- ENGL 470 Theory and Practice of Teaching Literature A&H
- ENGL 477 Children’s Literature A&H
- GERMAN 311 Introduction to German Literary Studies A&H
- GERMAN 360 Women in German Literature in English A&H/SSc
- GERMAN 490 Contemporary German Literature A&H
- GERMAN 503 Contemporary German Literature
- GLITS 253 Literature and Identities A&H/SSc
- GLITS 311 Literature Across Times A&H
- GLITS 312 Literature Across Languages A&H
- GLITS 313 Literature Across Places A&H
- GLITS 314 Literature Across Genres/Modes A&H
- GLITS 315 Literature Across Disciplines A&H
- GREEK 304 Introductory Readings in Greek Literature A&H
- GREEK 428 Imperial Greek Literature A&H
- GREEK 461 Early Greek Literature A&H
- GREEK 462 Literature of Classical Athens A&H
- GREEK 463 Hellenistic Greek Literature A&H
- GWSS 350 Women in Law and Literature SSc/A&H, DIV
- JAPAN 321 Classical Japanese Literature A&H
- JAPAN 322 Modern Japanese Literature A&H
- JEW ST 258 Introduction to Rabbinic Literature SSc/A&H
- JEW ST 312 Jewish Literature: Biblical to Modern SSc/A&H, DIV
- NEAR E 257 Introduction to Central Asian Turkic Literature in Translation A&H
- PHIL 347 Philosophy in Literature A&H/SSc
- POLSH 420 Modern Polish Literature in English A&H
- PORT 310 Introduction to Lusophone Literature A&H
- RUSS 230 Masterpieces of Russian Literature A&H
- RUSS 321 Eighteenth Century Russian Literature and Culture A&H
- RUSS 324 Russian Folk Literature in English A&H/SSc
- RUSS 340 Russia’s Big Books A&H
- RUSS 422 Russian Literature in Emigration and Exile A&H
- S ASIA 203 Love and War in Classical Indian Literature A&H/SSc
- S ASIA 206 Modern Literature of South Asia A&H/SSc
- S ASIA 225 Indian Philosophical Literature A&H/SSc
- S ASIA 316 Postcolonial Literature of South Asia A&H, DIV
- SCAND 312 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature A&H
- SCAND 335 Scandinavian Children’s Literature A&H
- SCAND 355 Literatures of the Arctic A&H/SSc, DIV
- SLAVIC 200 Introduction to Slavic Literature A&H
- SLAVIC 490 Studies in Slavic Literatures A&H
- SOC 261 The African American Experience through Literature A&H/SSc
- SPAN 317 Spanish and Latin American Literature in English Translation A&H
- URDU 424 Survey of Modern Hindi/Urdu Literature: Drama SSc/VLP
- VIET 486 20th Century Vietnamese Literature A&H
Mathematics – 1 course
- EDUC 170 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers NSc
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- BIO A 100 Evolution and Human Behavior SSc/NSc
- BIO A 201 Principles of Biological Anthropology NSc
- BIO A 270 Human and Comparative Anatomy NSc
- BIOL 100 Introductory Biology NSc
- BIOL 103 Sex, Death, and Evolution NSc
- BIOL 107 Biology of Vaccines NSc
- BIOL 108 Evolution and Human Behavior SSc/NSc
- BIOL 118 Survey of Physiology NSc
- BIOL 119 Elementary Physiology LAB NSc
- BIOL 130 Introduction to Neuroscience NSc
- BIOL 180 Introductory Biology NSc LAB
- BIOL 250/FISH 250/OCEAN 250 Marine Biology NSc LAB
- BIOL 280 The History of Life
- BIOL 310 Survey of Human Anatomy NSc LAB
- BIOL 311 Biology of Fishes NSc LAB
- BIOL 331/ESRM 331 Landscape Plant Recognition NSc
- BIOL 446 Plant Classification and Identification NSc LAB
- BIOL 451 Invertebrate Paleontology NSc
- B STR 301 General Anatomy NSc
- ESRM 331 Landscape Plant Recognition NSc LAB
- ESRM 210 Introductory Soils NSc
- ESRM 409 Soil Ecology NSc
- ESRM 411 Plant Propagation: Principles and Practice NSc
- ESRM 412 Native Plant Production NSc
- ESRM 413 Soil Genesis and Classification NSc
- ESRM 414 Forest Soil Fertility and Chemistry NSc
- ESRM 441 Landscape Ecology NSc
- FISH 310 Biology of Shellfishes NSc
- FISH 311 Biology of Fishes NSc
- FISH 404 Diseases of Aquatic Animals NSc
- FHL 250 Marine Biology NSc
- FHL 305 Biology of Fishes NSc
- GENOME 151 Human Genetics: The Individual and Society NSc
- GENOME 463 Hands-On Science for Elementary School Teachers
- MICROM 101 Microbes and Society NSc
Earth or Space Science
- ASTR 101 Astronomy NSc, RSN
- ASTR 102 Introduction to Astronomy NSc, RSN LAB
- ASTR 105 Exploring the Moon NSc
- ASTR 109 Measuring the Universe SSc/NSc
- ASTR 115/ASTBIO 115/ESS 115/OCEAN 115/BIOL 114 Astrobiology: Life in the Universe NSc LAB
- ASTR 150 The Planets NSc, RSN
- ASTR 160 Introduction to Exoplanets NSc
- ASTR 201 The Universe and the Origin of Life NSc, RSN
- ASTR 210 Distance and Time: Size and Age in the Universe NSc, RSN
- ASTR 211 The Universe and Change NSc, RSN
- ASTR 216 The Impact Threat to Earth NSc
- ATM S 101 Weather (5) NSc
- ATM S 103 Hurricanes and Thunderstorms: Their Science and Impact NSc/SSc
- ATM S 111 Global Warming: Understanding the Issues SSc/NSc
- ATM S 211 Climate and Climate Change NSc/SSc
- ATM S 212 Air Pollution: From Urban Smog to the Ozone Hole SSc/NSc
- ATM S 358 Fundamentals of Atmospheric Chemistry NSc
- ESS 101 Introduction to Geology and Societal Impacts SSc/NSc LAB
- ESS 102 Space and Space Travel SSc/NSc
- ESS 104 Prehistoric Life NSc LAB
- ESS 105 Natural Hazards and Disasters NSc
- ESS 106 Living with Volcanoes SSc/NSc
- ESS 107 Introduction to Ice in the Earth and Space Sciences NSc, RSN LAB
- ESS 202 Earthquakes SSc/NSc
- ESS 203 Glaciers and Global Change SSc/NSc
- ESS 205 Access to Space NSc LAB
- ESS 230 Rivers and Beaches NSc
- ESS 408 Great Geological Issues NSc
- ESS 433 Environmental Change in the Glacial Ages NSc LAB
- ESS 451 Invertebrate Paleontology NSc
- ESS 461 Geological Time NSc
- ESRM 100 Introduction to Environmental Science SSc/NSc
- ESRM 426 Wildland Hydrology NSc
- OCEAN 101 Oceanography of the Pacific Northwest NSc
- OCEAN 102 The Changing Oceans SSc/NSc
- OCEAN 115 Astrobiology: Life in the Universe NSc
- OCEAN 200 Introduction to Oceanography NSc
- OCEAN 201 Introduction to Oceanography LAB NSc
- OCEAN 230 Rivers and Beaches NSc
Physical Science
- A A 101 Air and Space Vehicles NSc
- CHEM 110 Preparation for General Chemistry NSc
- CHEM 120 Principles of Chemistry I NSc, RSN LAB
- CHEM 142 General Chemistry NSc, RSN LAB
- CHEM 458 Air Pollution Chemistry NSc
- ENGR 105 Introduction to Engineering Design
- ENGR 115 Engineering Transformation of Health
- PHYS 101 Introduction to Physics Through Inquiry I NSc, RSN
- PHYS 107 Physics Concepts for Non-Scientists NSc
- PHYS 110 Liberal Arts Physics NSc, RSN
- PHYS 114 Mechanics NSc, RSN
- PHYS 117 General Physics Laboratory: Mechanics NSc LAB
- PHYS 207 The Physics of Music NSc
- PHYS 214 Light and Color NSc, RSN
- PHYS 408 Physics by Inquiry II NSc
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- AAS 101 Introduction to Asian American Studies SSc, DIV
- AAS 206 Contemporary Issues of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans SSc, DIV
- AAS 210 Asian American and Pacific Islander American Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture SSc, DIV
- AAS 310 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the Pacific Northwest SSc, DIV
- AAS 360 Critical Filipino American Histories SSc, DIV
- AAS 370 Japanese Americans: Race, Culture, Discrimination, Gender, and Endurance SSc, DIV
- AAS 372 American Internment and Incarceration: Race, Discrimination, and Power SSc, DIV
- AAS 380 Asian American Community: Discrimination, Power, and Affirmation SSc, DIV
- AAS 395 Critical Studies of Post-Vietnam War Southeast Asian Americans: Not Just Refugees SSc, DIV
- AES 150 In-Justice for All: Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in the United States SSc, DIV
- AES 150 In-Justice for All: Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in the United States SSc, DIV
- AES 442 Undocumented Immigrant Communities SSc, DIV
- AFRAM 150 Introduction to African American History SSc
- AFRAM 270 The Jazz Age SSc, DIV
- AFRAM 272 History of the South Since the Civil War SSc, DIV
- AFRAM 321 History of African American Women and the Feminist Movement SSc, DIV
- AFRAM 334 Civil Rights and Black Power in the United States A&H/SSc, DIV
- AIS 103 The Indigenous Pacific Northwest SSc, DIV
- AIS 201 Introduction to American Indian Histories SSc, DIV
- AIS 202 Introduction to American Indian Contemporary and Social Issues SSc, DIV
- AIS 209 The Unsettling of the Red Continent: American Indian History to 1815 SSc, DIV
- AIS 210 Inconvenient Indians and the “American Problem”: American Indian History since 1815 SSc, DIV
- AIS 212 Indigenous Leaders and Activists SSc, DIV
- AIS 270 Native Peoples of the Northwest Coast SSc, DIV
- AIS 271 Native Peoples of the Intermountain West SSc
- AIS 272 Native Peoples of the Southeast SSc
- AIS 311 The Indigenous History and Environment of the Salish Sea SSc, DIV
- AIS 317 North American Indians: The Southwest SSc
- AIS 330 United States-Indian Relations SSc, DIV
- AIS 331 American Indian History I to 1840 SSc, DIV
- AIS 332 American Indian History II Since 1840 SSc, DIV
- AIS 425 Indians in Western Washington History SSc, DIV
- AIS 431 History of American Indian Education SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 101 The Chicano/Mexican Ethnic Experience in the United States SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 200 Latinos in the United States: Patterns of Racial, Ethnic, and Socio-Economic and Political Inequality SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 224 Life and Labor in the US-Mexico Borderlands SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 254 Northwest Latino Ethnic Communities: Culture, Race, Class, Immigration, and Socio-Economic and Political Marginalization SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 255 Mexican Women: Past and Present SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 354 Unions, Labor, and Civil Rights in California and Pacific Northwest Agriculture SSc
- GWSS 321/AFRAM 321 History of African American Women and the Feminist Movement SSc, DIV
- GWSS 385 Women and Activism in the U.S., 1820-1990s SSc
- HSTAA 101 Survey of the History of the United States SSc
- HSTAA 105 The Peoples of the United States SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 150/AFRAM 150 Introduction to African American History SSc
- HSTAA 205 Asian American History SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 209/AIS 209 The Unsettling of the Red Continent: American Indian History to 1815 SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 210/AIS 210 Inconvenient Indians and the “American Problem”: American Indian History since 1815 SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 212 The Military History of the United States From Colonial Times to the Present SSc
- HSTAA 213 History of the American Presidency SSc
- HSTAA 225 American Slavery SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 230 Race and Power in America, 1861-1940 SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 231 Race and American History SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 270/AFRAM 270 The Jazz Age SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 273 Women of the American West SSc
- HSTAA 290 Topics in American History SSc
- HSTAA 301 Colonial North America SSc
- HSTAA 303 Modern American Civilization From 1877 SSc
- HSTAA 311 The Indigenous History and Environment of the Salish Sea SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 312 Early History of the North American West SSc
- HSTAA 313 African Americans in the American West SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 316 History of American Science SSc
- HSTAA 317 History of the Digital Age SSc
- HSTAA 321 Becoming Black Americans SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 322 African-American History, 1865 To The Present SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 331/AIS 331 American Indian History I to 1840 SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 332/AIS 332 American Indian History II Since 1840 SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 334/AFRAM 334 Civil Rights and Black Power in the United States A&H/SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 336 American Jewish History Since 1885 SSc
- HSTAA 337 The Holocaust and American Life SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 338 The United States and Vietnam SSc
- HSTAA 351 American Constitutional History: From Colonial Times to the Present SSc
- HSTAA 353 Class, Labor, and American Capitalism SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 401 American Revolution and Confederation SSc
- HSTAA 402 Witchcraft in Colonial New England SSc
- HSTAA 404 New England: From the Foundings to the Civil War SSc
- HSTAA 407 Andrew Jackson’s United States SSc
- HSTAA 411 The United States During the Era of Civil War and Reconstruction SSc
- HSTAA 412 The Westward Movement, 1700-1850 SSc
- HSTAA 415 History of Indian-White Relations in Anglo-America SSc
- HSTAA 417/AIS 425 Indians in Western Washington History SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 426 American Urban History Since 1870 SSc
- HSTAA 432 History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest SSc
- HSTAA 459 History of American Education Since 1865 SSc
- HSTAA 506 Slavery in the Americas
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- AFRAM 370 African American Political Thought SSc
- AFRAM 437 Blacks in American Law SSc
- AIS 335 American Indians and the Law SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 260 Introduction to Chicano Politics SSc, DIV
- CHSTU 359 U.S. Latino Politics SSc, DIV
- ECON 200 Introduction to Microeconomics SSc, RSN
- GEOG 123 Introduction to Globalization SSc, DIV
- GEOG 207 Economic Geography SSc
- GEOG 208 Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets SSc
- GEOG 245 Geodemographics: Population, Diversity, and Place SSc, DIV, RSN
- GEOG 258 Digital Geographies SSc
- GEOG 270 Geographies of International Development and Environmental Change SSc
- GEOG 271 Geography of Food and Eating SSc, DIV
- GEOG 272 Geographies of Environmental Justice SSc, DIV
- GEOG 276 Introduction to Political Geography SSc
- GEOG 277 Geography of Cities SSc, DIV
- GEOG 302 The Pacific Northwest SSc
- GEOG 317 Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis SSc, RSN
- GEOG 323 Globalization and You SSc
- GEOG 326 Quantitative Methods in Geography SSc, RSN
- GEOG 330 Latin America: Landscapes of Change SSc
- GEOG 332 Black Feminist Geographies SSc, DIV
- GEOG 335 Geography of the Developing World SSc
- GEOG 342 Geography of Inequality SSc, DIV
- GEOG 344 Migration in the Global Economy SSc
- GEOG 349 Geography of International Trade SSc
- GEOG 360 GIS and Mapping SSc, RSN
- GEOG 370 Environmental Conservation: Geographic Perspectives SSc
- GEOG 375 Geopolitics SSc, DIV
- GEOG 377 Urban Political Geography SSc
- GEOG 380 Geographical Patterns of Health and Disease SSc
- GEOG 381 Maps and Health SSc
- GEOG 404 Abolition Geographies SSc, DIV
- GEOG 425 Qualitative Methodology in Geography SSc
- GEOG 431 Geography and Gender SSc
- GEOG 432 Geographies and Politics of Poverty and Privilege SSc
- GEOG 436 Social and Political Geographies of South Asia SSc
- GEOG 439 Geography of Employment SSc
- GEOG 442 Social Geography SSc
- GEOG 445 Geography of Housing SSc, DIV
- GEOG 448 Geography of Transportation SSc
- GEOG 474 Geography and the Law SSc
- GWSS 310 Women and the Law SSc, DIV
- GWSS 313 Women in Politics SSc, DIV
- HSTAA 110 History of American Citizenship SSc, DIV
- POL S 101 Introduction to Politics SSc
- POL S 202 Introduction to American Politics SSc
- POL S 246 African American Politics SSc, DIV
- POL S 270 Introduction to Political Economy SSc
- POL S 303 Public Policy Formation in the United States SSc
- POL S 312 Survey of American Political Thought SSc
- POL S 313 Women in Politics SSc, DIV
- POL S 316 African-American Political and Social Thought SSc, DIV
- POL S 317 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the United States SSc, DIV
- POL S 318 American Political Thought from the Colonial Era to the Civil War SSc, DIV
- POL S 319 American Political Thought from Reconstruction to the Present SSc, DIV
- POL S 351 The American Democracy SSc
- POL S 352 American Political Parties SSc
- POL S 353 United States Congress SSc
- POL S 354 Elections and Voting in the United States SSc
- POL S 355 The American Presidency SSc
- POL S 357 Minority Representation and the Voting Rights Act SSc, DIV
- POL S 358 American Political Culture SSc
- POL S 359 U.S. Latino Politics SSc, DIV
- POL S 360 Introduction to United States Constitutional Law SSc
- POL S 361 United States Courts and Civil Liberty SSc
- POL S 381 Urban Politics and Policy in the United States SSc
- POL S 382 State Government SSc
- POL S 406 Marxian Political Economy SSc
- POL S 453 The State Legislature SSc
- POL S 462 The Supreme Court in American Politics SSc
- POL S 464 The Politics of American Criminal Justice SSc
- POL S 465 Law and Public Policy in the United States SSc
- POL S 470 Public Bureaucracies in the American Political Order SSc
- POL S 472 Electoral Systems SSc
UW Tacoma
Courses that Satisfy Academic Breadth Prerequisites
Art – 1 course
- T ARTS 102 World Voices Vocal Ensemble I A&H
- T ARTS 115 Beginning Piano A&H
- T ARTS 151 Fundamentals of Acting A&H
- T ARTS 200 Studio Foundation I: Contemporary Art Strategies A&H
- T ARTS 203 Body Image and Art A&H
- T ARTS 240 Landscape in Contemporary Art A&H
- T ARTS 280 3-Dimensional Art and Contemporary Approaches to Sculpture A&H
- T ARTS 320 Improvisational Theater and Performance in Everyday Life A&H
- T ARTS 336 Glass Arts A&H
- T ARTS 368 Human Figure in Contemporary Art A&H
- T ARTS 386 Contemporary Art and Studio Drawing A&H
English Language Arts – 2 courses
Composition (1 course)
- T CORE 101 Introduction to Academic Writing C
- TWRT 121 Academic Writing II C
- TWRT 211 Argument and Research in Writing C
Literature (1 course)
- T LAX 267 Introduction to Chicano/a Literature A&H, DIV
- T LAX 277 Latin American Literature A&H
- T LIT 101 Understanding Literature A&H
- T LIT 210 Studies in American Literature A&H
- T LIT 230 Multi-Ethnic American Literature A&H, DIV
- T LIT 240 Studies in English Literature A&H
- T LIT 251 Ancient Literature of Western Civilization A&H
- T LIT 252 Medieval and Renaissance Literature of Western Civilization A&H
- T LIT 253 Modern Literature of Western Civilization A&H
- T LIT 320 African American Literature from Slavery to the Present A&H, DIV
- T LIT 324 African American Women’s Literature A&H, DIV
- T LIT 331 Immigrant and Ethnic Literature A&H
- T LIT 332 Asian American Literature A&H
- T LIT 335 Middle Eastern American Literature A&H, DIV
- T LIT 338 Writing in the Pacific Northwest A&H
- T LIT 343 Shakespeare A&H
- T LIT 351 Ancient Greek Tragedy A&H
- T LIT 352 Medieval Quests A&H
- T LIT 380 Myth and Literary Sagas in Creative Expression A&H
- T LIT 388 Cross Cultural Studies in Contemporary Women’s Fiction A&H, DIV
- T LIT 391 Science Fiction Literature A&H
- T LIT 406 Children’s and Young Adult Literature A&H
- T LIT 425 Literature of the Harlem Renaissance A&H, DIV
- T LIT 431 Contemporary Native American Women’s Literature A&H, DIV
- T LIT 432 American Indian Literature A&H
- T LIT 458 Modern Novel A&H
- T LIT 476 American Women’s Literature: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Texts A&H, DIV
- T LIT 481 Postcolonial Fiction A&H
- T LIT 487 African Folklore and Literature SSc
Mathematics – 1 course
- TMATH 171 Mathematics for Teachers I: Number Systems and Algebraic Concepts RSN
Science – 2 courses
Reduced from 3 courses – new requirement in effect for Spring 2024 cohort.
Courses must be from different science categories:
Life Science
- T ANTH 201 Principles of Biological Anthropology NSc
- T BIOL 110 General Biology NSc LAB
- T BIOL 120 Introductory Biology I NSc LAB
- T BIOL 202 Plant Biology and Ecology NSc
- T BIOL 222 Evolution and Its Implications NSc
- T BIOL 242 Aging and Biology NSc
Earth or Space Science
- T GEOS 107 Geohazards and Natural Disasters NSc
- T GEOS 117 Physical Geology NSc LAB
- T GEOS 215 Meteorology NSc
- T GEOS 216 Pacific Northwest Geology NSc LAB
- T GEOS 227 Earth History NSc
- T GEOS 241 Oceanography NSc LAB
- T GEOS 243 Geography of the Physical Environment NSc
- T GEOS 343 The Atmosphere and Air Pollution NSc LAB
- T PHYS 111 Introduction to Astronomy NSc, RSN
- T PHYS 121 Physics – Mechanics NSc LAB
Physical Science
- T CHEM 105 Chemistry of Cooking NSc
- T CHEM 139 Preparation for General Chemistry
- T CHEM 142 General Chemistry I NSc LAB
- T PHYS 121 Physics – Mechanics NSc LAB
Social Studies – 2 courses
United States History (1 course)
- T EGL 305 The American Indian Movement SSc, DIV
- T EGL 306 Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific SSc, DIV
- T HIST 200 American History I, 1607-1877 SSc
- T HIST 201 American History II, 1877-present SSc
- T HIST 212 American Military History I SSc
- T HIST 213 American Military History II SSc
- T HIST 220 African American History 1619-1865 SSc, DIV
- T HIST 221 African-American History 1865-1945 SSc, DIV
- T HIST 222 African-American History 1945-Present SSc, DIV
- T HIST 320 Asian American History SSc
- T HIST 322 American Labor Since the Civil War SSc
- T HIST 340 History of United States-American Indian Relations SSc
- T HIST 341 African-American History SSc
- T HIST 349 Minorities and Higher Education in American History SSc
- T HIST 417 United States History 1945-Present SSc, DIV
- T HIST 442 History of African American Education SSc
- T HIST 444 The Pacific Northwest SSc
- T HIST 445 History of Tacoma SSc
- T WOMN 347 History of Women in the United States SSc
United States Government or Civics, Geography, or Economics (1 course)
- TECON 101 Understanding Economics SSc, RSN
- TECON 200 Introduction to Microeconomics SSc, RSN
- TECON 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics SSc, RSN
- TECON 321 Economics of Education SSc
- TECON 325 Contemporary Issues in International Political Economy SSc
- TECON 350 Law and Economics
- T GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography SSc
- T GEOG 210 Geographies of Global Change SSc
- T GEOG 321 Urban Geography SSc
- T GEOG 349 Geography and International Trade SSc
- T GEOG 352 Cultural Geography SSc
- T GEOG 403 Geography of the United States of America and Canada NSc
- T GEOG 435 Contemporary Geopolitics SSc
- T GEOG 440 Political Geography: Territory, State and Society SSc
- T GIS 311 Maps and GIS NSc, RSN
- T HIST 410 Early American Politics, Constitution, and Law SSc
- T HIST 413 Civil Rights, Civil Liberties SSc
- TPOL S 202 Introduction to American Politics SSc
- TPOL S 260 American Political Theory SSc, DIV
- TPOL S 300 Mass Media and U.S. Politics SSc
- TPOL S 305 Campaigns and Elections SSc
- TPOL S 317 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the United States SSc, DIV
- TPOL S 325 Issues in Local Government SSc
- TPOL S 353 United States Congress SSc
- TPOL S 382 State Government SSc
- TPOL S 400 The American Presidency SSc