Reduce latrine odors, improve global sanitation

Research largely conducted by University of Washington Bothell undergraduates has determined that a disinfectant produced by a Woodinville company can neutralize latrine odors, a development that has the potential to improve sanitation for millions of people in developing parts of the world

November 3, 2022

Building mental health resilience to stress

Kosuke Niitsu, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, researches mental health resilience by surveying how UW Bothell students respond to virtual mindfulness exercises.

November 3, 2022

Why companies should stop scaring employees about cybersecurity

Companies often turn to a powerful emotion to get employees to be vigilant about cybersecurity. The problem: Fear doesn’t work... scare tactics don’t get people invested in security over the long term, as Marc Dupuis of the University of Washington and Karen Renaud from Abertay University discovered in research last year.

November 3, 2022

UW Bothell SRCP Seed Grant Recipients 2022

Congratulations to the following faculty who have received funding! For the 2022 spring submission, there was a total of $222,057 awarded which was supported by Academic Affairs. From this total, $134,672 will support faculty effort and $20,227 will fund student research effort.

November 3, 2022

UW Bothell SRCP Seed Grant Recipients Spring 2021

Congratulations to the following faculty who have received funding! A total of $260,000 was awarded to faculty and some funding was given specifically to support undergraduate researchers assisting with their mentor's research.

November 3, 2022