Get Involved
There are multiple ways to get involved with ASUWB! In addition to elected positions, you can apply to be a staff member, serve on a committee, or attend a meeting or town hall to provide your input. If you have a suggestion for how ASUWB can further involve the student body, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Public Meetings
ASUWB holds weekly open meetings to discuss initiatives, vote on resolutions, hear public comments, and more. Anyone is welcome to attend. if you’d like to speak at a meeting, please reach out below informing us of what you wish to speak about and how long you intend to speak for. If you’d like to access past meeting agendas and minutes, they can be accessed at the link below.
Autumn Quarter
UW1-280, Tuesdays 10:00 – 11:00 am
Winter Quarter
UW1-280, Tuesdays 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Spring Quarter
UW1-280, Mondays 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Town Halls
ASUWB holds one Town Hall each quarter for a variety of purposes: to connect with the student body informally, to provide information about what ASUWB is or what we’re working on, to here student perspectives on an especially pertinent issue, and more. Anyone is welcome to attend a town hall and we do our best to schedule them optimally. We hope to see you at a future town hall!
Autumn Quarter
November 30th | Commons, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Winter Quarter
Spring Quarter
May 3rd | DISC 061, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Run for Office
As the governing body of UW Bothell’s students, ASUWB is committed to holding free and fair elections. No one is precluded from running for office, and it’s a fantastic way to make the most out of your time at UW Bothell, contribute to years of student advocacy, and leave a lasting impact on our campus!
Below is an overview of each elected position and their job description. The full duties of each position can be found in the ASUWB Bylaws above.
The President is expected to work up to 19.5 hours/week beginning in Summer Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and conduct 10 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
Serving as the primary spokesperson for ASUWB, serving as the liaison for tri-campus communication via quarterly tri-campus meetings, creating and publicizing the weekly meeting agenda in conjunction with the Director of Outreach and Marketing; presiding over ASUWB meetings when in attendance and ensuring compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW Chapter 42.30), monitoring team performance in conjunction with the Vice President and Policy & Personnel Coordinator, ensuring that ASUWB abides by its bylaws, attending or appointing a designee to attend monthly Board of Regents meetings and reporting back, attending or appointing a designee to attend UW Alumni Association meetings, meeting monthly with the UWB Chancellor, and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested or appointing a designee from ASUWB to serve.
Vice President
The Vice President is expected to work up to 19.5 hours/week beginning in Autumn Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and to conduct 10 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
Serving as the president ex officio in the event of absence, resignation, or forfeiture of the President; monitoring team performance in conjunction with the President and Policy & Personnel Coordinator, supporting the President in maintaining tri-campus communication, voting on resolutions and legislation during ASUWB meetings; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
Director of Campus Partnerships
The Director of Campus Partnerships is expected to work up to 19.5 hours/week beginning in Autumn Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and to conduct 5 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include:
Chairing the ASUWB Student Advisory Council (ASAC) by recruiting ASAC members, scheduling meetings, setting meeting agendas, directing meetings, and distributing the responsibilities of ASAC among its’ members; maintaining a productive relationship with the Diversity Center to promote DEI amongst the student body; meeting regularly with other on-campus organizations; voting on resolutions and legislation during ASUWB meetings; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
Director of Senate
The Director of Senate is expected to work up to 19.5 hours/week beginning in Autumn Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and to conduct 5 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include:
Chairing quarterly Senate sessions; connecting with on-campus legislative stakeholders in conjunction with the Director of Campus Partnerships, surveying the student body to determine pertinent issues for the legislative agenda; planning quarterly Town Halls to gauge student opinions and promote ASUWB in conjunction with the Marketing Coordinator; overseeing civic engagement initiatives; supervising the Legislative Liaison to ensure they are executing the legislative agenda in accordance with ASUWB expectations; meeting regularly with the Government and Community Relations office; voting on resolutions and legislation during ASUWB meetings; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
Director of Finance and Budget
The Director of Finance and Budget is expected to work up to 19.5 hours/week beginning in Autumn Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and to conduct 5 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include:
Serving on the Student Activities Fee and Student technology Fee committees; creating the annual budget in conjunction with the President; writing the SAF Budget Proposal for ASUWB; making purchases when authorized; ensuring compliance with university financial policies; overseeing the Student Academic Enhancement Fund; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
Apply for Staff
Don’t want to campaign? Looking for a more entry-level position working for ASUWB? A staff position may be perfect for you.
**Applications are closed for 2023 – 2024.
Below is an overview of each staff position and their job description. The full duties of each position can be found in the ASUWB Bylaws above.
Legislative Liaison
The Legislative Liaison is expected to work up to 15 hours/week in Autumn and Spring Quarter, and conduct 5 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. During Winter Quarter, the Legislative Liaison will live in Olympia and lobby the state legislature on behalf of ASUWB. Housing and 15 academic credits will be provided. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
Serving as the primary spokesperson for ASUWB in Olympia, serving as the liaison between Bothell and student representatives from other universities in Olympia, working with the Director of Legislative Affairs throughout Autumn Quarter to establish the legislative agenda; meeting with the Government and Community Relations office; drafting and delivering a mid-session report; drafting and delivering and end-of-session report; filing monthly PDC lobbyist reports (as required by state law) during the legislative session; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
Marketing Coordinator
The Marketing Coordinator is expected to work up to 15 hours/week beginning in Autumn Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and to conduct 5 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include:
Overseeing the Student of the Month Award; serving as the ASUWB representative to Club Council; tracking existing student discounts and reaching out to business to promote the initiative; promote ASUWB via physical and social media, tabling events, and promotional items such as merchandise; executing photographic and visual campaigns; ensuring the website is consistently up-to-date; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
Policy and Personnel Coordinator
The Policy and Personnel Coordinator is expected to work up to 15 hours/week beginning in Autumn Quarter and lasting until the end of Spring Quarter, and conduct 5 hours of office hours/week with the exception of finals week. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
Recording and archiving meeting minutes; monitoring team performance in conjunction with the President and Vice President; ensuring compliance with the ASUWB Constitution and Bylaws; and serving on committees and organizations of administration, faculty, and staff as requested.
ASUWB Student Advisory Council (ASAC)
ASUWB oversees the ASAC, a unique opportunity for you to check and balance the executive powers vested in ASUWB and the legislative powers vested in the Student Senate. The ASAC acts as consulting body to the student government to ensure that governing officials act in accordance with the ASUWB’s mission and values, and to provide additional and accessible student perspective to ASUWB to inform our decision-making.
**Applications are closed for 2023 – 2024.
Elections Committee
The ASUWB Elections Committee ensures that ASUWB elections are free and fair, and work to promote awareness of ASUWB and the available offices amongst the student body. Committee members get a chance to learn about civic engagement and democracy on a miniature scale, gain leadership experience, and give back to the Bothell community.
**Applications are closed for 2024.
Student Academic Enhancement Fund (SAEF) Committee
Chaired by the Director of Budget and Finance, the SAEF committee helps to provide financial awards to students in support of their educational travel. Members review applications and make decisions about who will benefit most from financial support. Committee members get a chance to learn about budgeting and problem-solving, gain leadership experience, and support their peers in achieving their goals.
**Applications are closed for 2023 – 2024.
Student Activity Fee (SAF) Committee
ASUWB works in partnership with the SAF Committee to ensure that students’ money is being well-spent. You can learn more about SAF and apply to serve on the committee below:
**Applications are closed for 2023 – 2024.
Student Technology Fee (STF) Committee
ASUWB works in partnership with the STF Committee to ensure that students’ money is being well-spent on technological initiatives. You can learn more about STF and apply to serve on the committee below:
**Applications are closed for 2023 – 2024.